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Everything posted by jester3681

  1. Wait a week. The iPhone 6z will be out and yours will be even more obsolete.
  2. I'm surprised it took this long. The baseball strike in the early 90s is when I stopped giving a shit about the MLB. And I haven't cared since.
  3. I have a college buddy that does it. He brews a lot, and tries a lot of different recipes. He also judges home brewed beers at competition. His current batch is resting in Bourbon barrels right now. It's not difficult, from what he says, but you can spend some money doing it.
  4. The safe I keep my 380 in has 1/8" thick steel walls. If a round managed to make it through those, I doubt very highly it would have a lot of knock-down power left. A higher caliber gun may have a bit more force, but safes are designed to withstand a lot of force. I wouldn't be too worried about it.
  5. I think they go from $2000 - $10000 depending on condition and previous contents. I'd think that cabin was in the $20000 range, if they did the work themselves. Pretty slick concept though. Those containers are pretty stout.
  6. Congrats to Sean, and to TRMN8TR's brother who has a little extra money and a ton of support!
  7. Interesting stuff! I know a lot of Kroger's private brand stuff is Campbell's.
  8. Yeah. Funny. Or tits. Tits would be fine as well.
  9. If that motherfucking Loch Ness Monster ever comes through, I'm in for tree fitty.
  10. This is nonsense, utter nonsense. My only thought is that they would have to prove malice on the part of the bartender to make anything stick - the bartender would have to knowingly serve an obviously drunk person with multiple witnesses. I'd think that would be a hard door to open.
  11. Just one of them. If I decide to go two weeks she'll let me scratch them both.
  12. See, I like pussy. That's why I'm passing. My wife would stop offering hers.
  13. My first bike was an 81 Honda GL500 I bought for $400 and used to commute to OSU. You really don't want anything too pricey, bot so much for campus, but for where you'll be living. I never had a problem with mine on campus but worried about it all the time at home.
  14. You'll end up owing it to some bald-headed goon in exchange for his hot sister's snatch.
  15. Elevator downtown has some excellent stuff too.
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