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Gixxus Christ!

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Everything posted by Gixxus Christ!

  1. I'll probably be riding saturday early afternoon.
  2. May 17 is the epic ride. People from all over the state and some from other states will be converging on the meet spot for a ride and meet and greet. I'll be trailering down with a friend because it's just too much freeway down and back for me.
  3. Lol...old tech is so easy to fix tho....no fuel pump, no computer, valve state voltage regulator....points are easy, you dress them with emery cloth and set the gap every couple thousand miles or so and they work fine. Carbs are good once tuned and if you don't leave gas in them over the winter you won't have to mess with them in the spring. Who doesn't love screw and nut tappets? I'd much rather work on old shit than new, less wires, less potential problems, cheaper to fix etc... of course new stuff you usually don't have to work on as much....
  4. Or bring it to me and I'll do it for a reasonable fee.
  5. Same simple process just repeated. This is what I've found works: Get some masking tape and wrap both the twist grip and somewhere next to it on the bar or bar end. On the bar you draw an arrow, on the grip you're going to write 1/4, 1/2, 3/4 next to that arrow corresponding with how far open the throttle is. Now it's time to go for a ride. Start with wide open as you want to make sure the main jet is right first. Bang through a few gears wide open and then pull the clutch and kill the motor, shift to neutral and come to a stop. Pull the plugs and read them. Too white = too lean. Too black = too rich. You're looking for the color of a lightly toasted marshmallow. Change main jet to adjust. Repeat for 3/4 and 1/2 throttle and adjust needle clip accordingly. 1/4 throttle is for pilot jet. Yes it's time consuming but in the end you'll have a damn well tuned motor.
  6. You were all like 'and then I grabbed his dick like this...' lmfao
  7. Nice...we're not all like the people in gummo. Idk if anyone on the forum is even from xenia...
  8. I'd start with a carb clean. After that it should at least start. From there you can read the plugs and tune it, or I can. Good luck to you.
  9. If you're only concern is the elements then a rain cover would be the easiest and cheapest option but if you don't ride much moisture will build up inside it on hot days. What do you mean by chewed up? The biggest enemy to vehicles here is road salt, and after a few good hard rains that's no longer an issue until winter comes again. Other than that it's the same exact sun here as over on the left coast and as far as I know it rains water here too...so idk what you expect to be so harmful about ohio weather vs California.
  10. Did you just swap out jets? Did you use a kit? Did it come with needles and springs? Did you adjust the idle air screws? Did you clean the carb really good while you were in there? What are the symptoms it has right now?
  11. Above all you want something substantial that will be hard to break into. Expect to spend a bit of money. Home Depot and places like that have she'd kits you build yourself. You will want to either pour a concrete slab or at least build a wooden pallet for it to stand on. They make plastic ones but I wouldn't trust my bike to a structure that can be violated with a blowtorch and a car hanger.
  12. Wet hot American summer. The blob History of violence MASH
  13. Lol. I have a fresh hemorrhoid from all that slabbing. That construction was some bullshit. 71 was a damn parking lot. Luckily cooler heads prevailed and I led our merry band on a highly illegal 10 mile trip in the breakdown lane....otherwise we would probably still be on 71 talking about how big of a shame it was that Ali ' s bike overheated and blew up.
  14. My ass is killing me. Thanks for having us over ryan, it was a good time.
  15. All set to go, now if only I could fucking sleep...
  16. Ok I'm good, must have been lack of sleep and all the dust at work. I'll be 100% tomorrow. Marathon on 93 and Lincoln highway at noon.
  17. And today I wake up with a fucking cold. Hopefully it passes by sunday....figures...
  18. I know how much that shit sucks, someone stole my generator out of our garage last weekend. Fucking hate thieves.
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