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Gixxus Christ!

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Everything posted by Gixxus Christ!

  1. Eh, I wasn't bullying her dude, lets wait and see how she feels about it instead of deciding for her. I'm glad you don't hate me, now come give us a kiss, two shakes and a tuck.
  2. Ok there Lancelot, Lmao. If she can't handle a little friendly ribbing she probably doesn't belong here, or are we going to set a double-standard? You're just setting the feminist movement back decades by saying anything. Not cool bro.
  3. Ha, you wag your finger at me in public and then rep me...classic.

  4. Oh here come the leg humpers to the defense of the new girl. You gotta admit, she looks bewildered in her pic...like a big red thing just bounced off her head and she's frozen in that moment between registering the impact and figuring out what the fuck it was. No offense to her of course, I'm sure she makes awesome sammiches.
  5. You need to put it directly into the radiator first till full, then run the bike and burp the system, top off radiator, then add to overflow tank to the min line. How did you think it was going work? Magical coolant defies gravity, flows uphill into radiator?
  6. Looks more like she just got hit in the head with a dodgeball.
  7. Crazy technical stuff, very mathcore/prog metal.
  8. Amonium nitrate needs to be mixed with diesel or fuel oil (the 'fo' in anfo) and then is a highly active binary explosive that must be detonated by shockwave.
  9. Carcass was awesome, not 100% sure but I think those guys were recording during med school, most if not all members now are surgeons. Your googling may vary.
  10. New guy joins, there's maybe 5 pages in his welcome thread after a day or two. New girl joins and all the leg-humpers line up to sniff her ass.... Welcome to the forum, please no attention whoring.
  11. Fertilizer on its own will not detonate from fire. Fertilizer mixed with diesel (anfo) won't either, it needs an initiator like a blasting cap to set up and propagate a shockwave. This was more likely a bleve (boiling liquid, expanding vapor explosion), probably from a large cylinder of some compressed gas used in the manufacturing process.
  12. Yeah, that looks almost impossible to break or remove and toss in a strangers pickup.
  13. Throttle control. The bike will do it, you just have to trust it. Counter steer and roll on the throttle, look at where you wanna go, the bike will get you there.
  14. With an ass full of fettucini.
  15. Oh, well I must live without those gaskets now. Bought a tube of permatex and shmaltzed the shit out of it. Going to let it cure while I'm at work and fire it up when I get home and see if it still leaks.
  16. Ain't nobody got time for that.
  17. Pipes on my shadow were too loud. I live in a neighborhood and my neighbors have kids. I come home from work between 12:30 and 2:30 am. I don't want to be the dick with the open pipe cruiser. Got a set of factory muffs off eBay for $69. The only thing the dick didn't photograph was how lbts the pipes are where they clamp over the head pipes. Bent them in with pliers and got the cans on but have leaks. Looking at permatex exhaust sealant, anyone have experience?
  18. This has been a problem lately. I spend time and thought crafting a reply via quick reply. I tap post. It shitcans my reply and takes me to the stupid arcade. Also I can't enter a text comment while giving rep, nor can I enter text in the search pulldown. Get it together. Just kidding, but fix this shit, I surf through my phone almost exclusively.
  19. He's never going to get that smell out....
  20. Yeah Dresden got fucked up, they dropped h.e. bombs first to break open the buildings and expose the wood, then dropped thermite and white phosphorus, turned the city into a tinderbox. They did the dame thing to Japanese cities with similar effects.
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