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Gixxus Christ!

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Everything posted by Gixxus Christ!

  1. And wash it all down with a big ole glass of primus.
  2. Ah, wasn't sure if you knew the translation or just that the busa unseated the xx as fastest production bike.
  3. Also missing exhaust in the douchebag pic....
  4. Hyabusa is Japanese for 'peragrine falcon' which ironically eat blackbirds in the wild....
  5. My local hole has yeungling lord chesterfield ale for $2/bottle until they run out so that's what I've been drinking. Its not a real refined place as far as taste, they still have Sam Adams winter ale and until a few weeks ago had great lakes Xmas ale. More of a bud light bar.
  6. Parkway drive, lamb of god, slayer, in flames, mindless self indulgence, sausage assassins, smugly dismissed, drunk by noon, uncle dick and the whiskey shivers, john cougar concentration camp, Austrian death machine, GWAR, co_conspirator, shotgun sodomy.... Most of those are real bands....some I made up for my own enjoyment.
  7. Everyone is jumping on the American amber lager bandwagon now that yeungling went nationwide with great success. Since then you have Coors with batch 19, miller with 3rd shift and a-b with black whatever the fuck. None of them taste as good and all of them cost more than yeungling.
  8. I can respect your decision, know a few guys who have quit for their family....seems to me a $500k life insurance policy with a dnr would be a better solution but I've laid down 2 bikes in the last 2 years and don't have one so I guess ill shut my mouth.
  9. Its impossible for me to get to sleep before 3 or 4 am, I've been on this schedule for about a decade.
  10. Here's a tissue, now go sit in the corner and cry about it.
  11. Police up your cocksucker mister man, I make every ride I can. You must work days, so would you get home from work at say....4pm and be able to go right to sleep so you could wake up at 11pm? Well that's what I would have to do, get home at 12:30am and magically fall right asleep, wake up at 6am, gear up and make the 1.3 hr ride to coshocton to be there by 8. I got your pussy-ass excuses right here.
  12. Will do....I already have a guy offering 3 grand when I get it back together. Might just keep it, I really miss having a sport bike.
  13. Greetings from massillon. If you dont go on the epic, get ahold of me and we can go ride. Epic starts way too early in the morning for my 2nd shift ass.
  14. Nice. I regret buying my bell vortex. Its light, comfy and vents great but is the loudest fucking crash-hat I've ever owned.
  15. Lol ...nah, Jamal is a good, loyal friend and spent a day helping me install new appliances...he's the type of friend that would help you move or hide a body. You don't scrap dudes like that out over a pain in the dick engine rebuild.
  16. Looks a little like a dog trying to take a shit...
  17. That seca 650 turbo is pretty fucked up looking.
  18. Can't put a 750 top on a 600 bottom, 750 has a longer stroke and I am NOT splitting two cases and swapping out a crank, bearings and primary. Just gonna put new rings on one piston and hone its respective cyl, bolt it up and move on.
  19. Ugh, I need to get his bike done and out of my garage so I can get the TL in and fix it, then finish building my motor and finish my superhonda 850 cama-lama-ding-dong cafe racer and penis enlargment project. Then probably sell all 3 bikes for a fjr or concourse.
  20. Demand they at least match your co-op rate. If you set a precident of accepting whatever they offer you will never get what you want.
  21. Ah....could be. Sad day in metal, I shall blast "paybacks a bitch" on the way tonight in his honor.
  22. Ok, so Jamal (malaysianinvasion) stripped out a spark plug hole last fall on his 92 katana 600. He decided to slap a new head and gsxr cams on it, I volunteered my garage and help. He delivers the bike this spring, I begin teardown and while removing the head, drop a washer down the cam chain shaft. A 4 hr job just turned into a 6 hr job. I pull the cyl and we fish out the offending fastner. Jamal comes over today to start the build and discovers that we have a broken ring on #1 cyl. Ffffffffffffffffffuck. This was supposed to be a quick swap and time, now I'm into this job for a base gasket, rings and a hone. Just felt like bitching.
  23. Liver failure at 45? Dude musta burnt the candle at both ends
  24. Doc I ride at midnight every night, its no big deal you just don't go barreling down roads you dont know and generally stay towards the cities.
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