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Gixxus Christ!

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Everything posted by Gixxus Christ!

  1. Sure does, you can lure chicks in with the bike and rape them at gunpoint with your pathetic baby dick.
  2. Its ok if you have a small penis as long as you have a big gun or a fast motorcycle....or both....or if your name rhymes with 'fagley'.
  3. +1 on the rem 700. Theres a reason its still in production after a billion years.
  4. Eh, doesn't surprise me. People tend to get their news from lefty blogs to make up for having miniature genitalia.
  5. Do want the cooler, don't want to drive 2 hrs to get it.
  6. And you call gun owners paranoid. Where's all that courage you were talking about earlier? While the concept may completely escape the grasp of your feeble brain, the overwhelming majority of gun owners are peaceful, caring, family-oriented individuals who don't go out of their way to destroy other people's property over a difference of opinion. They dont shoot them either fuckface, so don't even go there. Your fear of this gun nut boogeyman hurling masonary through your windows is completely unfounded and you know it. You're just afraid to post the sign and you're afraid to admit that your convictions don't dovetail with your actions. You're fabricating some bullshit scenereo that has very little chance of happening to try and cover up the real reason. I know it, you know it, anyone who's following this thread knows it so stop with the charade and just fess up already.
  7. Right, because only gun nuts smash windows with bricks. Do you seriously believe the shit you spout off? That some gun owner is going to come to your house and commit a felony over a sign in your yard? A crime that would disable him from being allowed to own guns? Isn't it far far more likely that your house would be burglarized? Because ya know, I've heard of houses being burglarized plenty of times, all throughout history but never once heard of a gun owner breaking someone's window because they simply chose not to own guns. Really dude, try and keep things in the realm of possibility here.
  8. Also where in the story does it say the law was written by the nra? All I found was a quote from an nra-ila member saying that they had passed a strong right to bear arms law.
  9. Ah the tiny penis....the last refuge of the anti-gun dildo. Yes, certainly anyone who owns a gun must be trying to compensate for his tiny penis. I've seen people argue that the same holds true for people who buy incredibly over-powered cars and motorcycles....especially ones that have held the title of 'fastest production car/bike'. But lets not skirt the issue here betty, you'd never put a sign in your yard stating your house is gun free because the chances of someone stopping by to relieve you of your big fast penis-replacement motorcycle would increase dramatically. That in fact, the very reason people don't break into houses most of the time is that they fear the owner may be home and armed. So you should be thanking us gun owners, because if there werent any gun owners, criminals wouldnt think twice about burglaries and home invasions.
  10. I would try pounding a slightly bigger size Allen wrench in with a hammer first, preferably the kind that's a 3/8 Dr socket. If the bolt is metric (which I'm sure it is) find a standard one that's just a bit bigger and drive it into the bolt head, hit it with a torch for a minute, put a breaker bar on it and turn that sucker out. Better than destroying the bolt head with a dremel and hoping that you don't just rip the slot with a screw driver.
  11. Lmao at 'artificial courage'..... I've said it before and ill say it again, until you put a sign in your front yard proclaiming your home is proudly gun-free, don't flap your jibs about how anti-gun you are.
  12. HTC phones are shit. I will never buy one again, I had the first gen evo and it had issues, then the evo lte came out so I got it last June. I'm already on my second replacement phone. Get the galaxy 4 or the note 2. My sammich maker has the note 2 and its awesome, I'm so jelly bro.
  13. Blair is good, I've seen his work before. I suggested my guy in stow because he's close-ish to bath and hedoes great work.
  14. Maybe? Let a guy from work take them home to check out, not sure if he's going to buy or not. If he doesn't want them they're yours.
  15. Donnie brown at tree city in stow could do a good job of that as long as you get it big enough.
  16. It all depends on what scares you. I jumped a few times but I thought sinister was scarier, but I get more freaked out by the whole ghosts trying to kill you thing than the demon-possessed kids killing each other. Overall it was a good movie, worth the $9 imho. Not just over the top gory but still nasty as hell.
  17. Went to see evil dead tonight, its pretty intense. Gory as fuck. Has to be better than any gi Joe movie.
  18. Some of that tick is from the scissors gear.
  19. As long as you're not an idiot you should be ok. The bike is only going to go as fast as you ride it. The two biggest dangers in starting out with a fast bike are that you'll either hurt yourself or scare yourself. Both have caused new riders to give up the sport.
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