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Gixxus Christ!

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Everything posted by Gixxus Christ!

  1. Ok, this would be a short trip, 2 nights hopefully at different sites with lots of riding inbetween. The real limitations are firewood and keeping food/beer cold. I guess a collapsable fabric cooler would be ok and then go to a nearby store after setting up camp for ice, drinks and meats. I'd like to keep it around neo because I know a few of the campgrounds up here.
  2. Hey, if you went camping with some friends and got real drunk and woke up in a tent the next morning with mud on your knees and a sore turd-cutter would you tell anyone about it? No? Good, wanna go camping? Seriously tho, I camp at least 4 times a year and am looking into doing a trip on the bike. I am pretty limited to what I can bring but figured if we had a group of four or five people and shared lanterns, stove etc.. that it would be doable to have a decently equipped camp out . Any takers? I'll bring the bourbon.
  3. Good, so shut the fuck up and quit trying to prove nothing to us.
  4. I plan on being at the back of the group as well.
  5. My bell vortex is a bit loud, probably from the speaker recesses as previously stated, but the venting is absolutely awesome. Once I get some speakers in those pockets I'm sure it will quiet down a bit.
  6. Gonna be 40 and sunny Saturday, I will be riding.
  7. The only difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits. Put up that sign. Pics or it didn't happen.
  8. Ok mags, put your fucking safety where your mouth is and plant a sign in your front yard declaring your house is proudly gun-free...a big one, that you can read from the road. If you aren't willing to do that then you need to shut your dick-licker right now about guns.
  9. "sorry, this episode has just been added and may not be ready to watch yet" What the fucking fuck?
  10. Jinu, you are one funny motherfucker. So mags, let me get this straight, Chicago has such a high murder rate because criminals bring guns into the city from surrounding areas? But its not just illegal to buy or sell a gun there, its forbidden to own, posess, convey or otherwise come into contact with one. So this magical gun ban bubble around the city is pretty much inefffective right? So your answer is to ban all guns in the country? Sorry, all modern sporting rifles...well would this imaginary bubble of law be just as easily permeated at our international borders as it is at the city limits of Chicago? And don't give me that chest-slapper bullshit about customs blah blah blah....hundreds of METRIC TONS of drugs pass through our borders on a weekly basis, you think people won't get guns in? This is of course completely ignoring the fact that even tho armalite style rifles are owned by millions of citizens they only account for a tiny percentage of deaths per year. You are a fool of the first division if you actually believe your own bullshit.
  11. Its cool but I seriously doubt you will get anywhere near $4k for it.
  12. Ooh, lemme dig out the header for my cb750 and Mic it....
  13. If you're serious about keeping the pace moderate I would be down for this, definitely won't have the supersport on the road by then so ill be putting along on my 4 speed 65 hp 800 lb recliner.
  14. Wow, that's one expensive toy....kind of like the Ferrari of motorcycles, hand built, supreme performance, maintenance probably costs almost as much as purchase price..all for slightly better performance than you can get from a modded jap bike....still be on my list if I hit the lotto.
  15. Dream on kaw, no way you're going to make the trip from Parma to massillon just to let me ride my old bike. No, I have unfinished business with the TL....she threw me once and I've got to get back on and get back to building my skills as a sport rider, and that just aint gonna happen on the shadow. I almost took the advice of a few guys on here and street fightered her but then I looked into how little work it would take to restore her. Got all the parts, just need paint and time....I do love that shadow tho.
  16. I plan to restore the TL to her former glory, if I decide to sell it probably won't be cheap. Maybe around $2500. She will be fully restored with all the factory recalls done and only about 18k on the clock. Its a big 'if' on the selling, I really like that bike.
  17. Mine is probably in less pieces.
  18. You can ride my TL if you put it back together Paul.
  19. Vfr800. Ask ninjadoc or bad324 how they like em. Awesome all around bike, lots of power, comfy, looks cool. If I had to own only one bike it would be either a vfr, concourse or fjr. Luckily I have a large garage and an understanding wife and don't have to limit myself to just one.
  20. Welcome! Good to see another neo guy.
  21. I was expecting to see starscream with a bitchin new paint job.
  22. I might be down. Doubt the twin liter will be ready by then but I can always take the kwoozuh. Its also my fiancee's birthday weekend so maybe ill throw her on the back and get all alpha-male any time one of youddick-lickers looks at her for too long. Or maybe ill stay home and drink beer.
  23. Who would do such a thing, and who would stand there and record that sick fuck doing it? I hope she gets mauled to death by a pack of dogs.
  24. I can't imagine why any man wouldn't do everything he could to spend as much time with his kids as possible. Some guys are just fucked I guess...
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