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Gixxus Christ!

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Everything posted by Gixxus Christ!

  1. I thought my 750 head was seized on the dowels when I was taking it apart, turns out there were some screws down underneath the cam towers you had to remove oil seals to even see.
  2. It's a company band saw, idgaf if the fucker snaps.
  3. Props to the guy that fought with one hand and held onto his sammich with the other.
  4. Looks like ill be rockin the 4 inch cutoff wheel and a dust mask for a while then.
  5. I need to cut my cans down past some wreck damage and re-rivet. I have access to a band saw at work, do I have to worry about the carbon fiber splintering?
  6. I co-witness MI flip ups through my eotech, works for me. I've shot rifles with the vortex sight on them before, good little optic for the money but I like the rugged construction of the eotech personally.
  7. They are there so that you have a period.
  8. Ok, some notes. She is on birth control, and she skips the sugar pills and goes onto the next pack to completely avoid getting her period. This is because she gets physically ill during her time, so she stalls it as long as she can with the pills but eventually it catches up to her and then its curtains. This makes it impossible to track on a calendar, it may be 18 weeks, it may be 13... No way of predicting it. We don't really see each other during the week, I work 1:30 pm to 2 am and she works mornings. I'd say 90% of our contact during the week is via text message. I do probably 85% of the cooking, because I'm better at it.
  9. Actually yes. Hoping hormones normalize soon and I get Dr jeckle back.
  10. Stood out in my drive way for a few minutes when I got home. Saw 2 really good ones and maybe 4 ok ones before my neck got sore and my face got cold. I much prefer the summer events.
  11. The furniture used to be nice. I didn't start a fight. She texted me today to tell me that the dog had put a rip in the last piece of unmolested furniture we had. I suggested we either gate off the living room or get a dog house. She said fine. That's about the time she got mad and accused me of taking my bad day out on her etc...
  12. I'll be getting off work at 2 so ill wreck my car for sure.
  13. Gump: no joint account, its her furniture.
  14. I see what you did there...not taking your advice. Like any other intelligent person I'll reserve war for the time when diplomacy completely fails. The dog fucking up the furniture I could give a shit about, in 5 years he'll be dead and we can get a smaller, less destructive mutt. My issue is with how pissed women get about stupid shit that doesn't matter.
  15. Brian, not gonna happen. Btd, what you are suggesting is an act of war. She's had the dog li.get than me so I'd probably lose that ultimatum. I'm just gonna baby gate the living room when I go to bed and see if that solves it.
  16. I have an eotech and I love it. They are built extremely well, battery life is great, the controls are good, its just a great sight, I'd recommend one to anyone.
  17. Wtf is wrong with women? They get so worked up about the smallest stupid things. Mine is currently pissed at me because I A: suggested our big stupid dog either be gated out of the living room or put outside in a dog house because he joyfully destroys our furniture while we are at work. And B: misinterpreted her when her reply was 'fine'. Fuck me running, I love the woman but she gets mad and stays mad over the smallest shit and I'm fucking tired of it.
  18. Get them things you absolutely know they will hate, then chuckle while they pretend to be grateful.
  19. The rocks were cut from a quarry like 300 feet away. Lots and lots of flint stoneworking tools were found around the site. Unfinished slabs are still at the quarry. As usual the history channel had an agenda and omitted facts to support it. Read the Wikipedia link I posted.
  20. Touche. Tongue in cheek sometimes doesn't translate well via text.
  21. Some more complete information, looks like the history channel is getting into the bullshit business... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/G%C3%B6bekli_Tepe
  22. You need to look up the definition of the word 'proof'. A few issues I have with this vid: there is no geological evidence of a great flood. Furthermore, there isn't enough water on the whole earth for such a thing to occur. I don't like it when these 'experts' make conjecture based on incomplete evidence. I also don't like it when they work backwards from a conclusion to arrive at a reason. If the structure was completed and then buried, why would there be any tools left behind? It's more likely that it was buried naturally over 12k years than buried intentionally in a week.
  23. I'm sick of being at work. Wanna go home, fix myself a bourbon and check out the security camera system I get to install in my future mother in law's deli this weekend.
  24. I have a cruiser now. Along with the supersport and the vintage standard I have the trifecta of bikes. I still plan on flogging the shit out of my shadow tho, if I want to relax ill light some candles and jack off, motorcycles are for fun and excitement.
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