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Gixxus Christ!

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Everything posted by Gixxus Christ!

  1. If you come up to my neck of the woods, gotta be at work at 3:30.
  2. You're not going to find a whole lot of people on here who want to ride with a bunch of guys that start drinking at 9am, generally don't wear gear and ride in a huge pack from bar to bar.....that's not really the scene here....more of the full gear, small group twisty back road kinda people.....
  3. Ouch, 8:30 is just too early for me, I don't even get off work till midnight. Maybe I can meet up with the pack like...noonish?
  4. The 750 is now an 850....well it will be once I put it all back together, spent the last year building the motor in my spare time and spare money. I make it up into Doylestown once in a while. I work afternoons through the week so I don't get the opportunity to meet up and ride with a lot of people on here. If I'm riding Saturday ill pm you.
  5. I've jacked every inline-4 I've ever owned up by the exhaust, never had a pipe dent or bend or anything. I'm sure that certain people will probably say I'm an idiot and that I'm gonna smash my pipes etc...go ahead. I use a harbor freight bike jack, strap the bike to it and jack it up. Had my seca 2 up on the lift sitting on the pipes for over a week, didn't hurt a thing.
  6. The chain drain looks kinda dumb. I just drop a rag under my chain.
  7. Ok, after three days of spirited riding with the occasional triple digit speed, I can report zero fling and zero apparent decrease in lubricity. This stuff kicks ass. Worth $10 for a big can.
  8. Kabong, I'm gonna have to meet up with you sometime, I usually ride in Lawrence or orrville, not too far from Wooster.
  9. I would give her a severe tongue-lashing.
  10. I'd like to see that judge in her chambers....and her skivvies.
  11. How do you get a bike to even do that?
  12. You have to watch till the very end, that's the payoff. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FpR6iEBLksc&feature=related
  13. Nvm, $20 for a zombie hunt seems reasonable if it lasts longer than 20 minutes and you get more than 30 rds of ammo.
  14. Cool idea but I have the feeling their rental guns and simunition are gonna be spendy.
  15. Ok, picked up the klotz klr and I'm impressed. Sprayed on a warm chain, it goes on like water but soon sets up into something I would describe as dry and waxy. Really gets down into the pins and rollers too. Didn't have time for a ride after I got back from my lunch break, but will ride home tonight and check for fling off.
  16. I had them in my fzr inside conventional headlight buckets, I was happy with the results. Only complaint I had was they were bi-xenon which means for high beam the bulb physically moves inside the light, and my bulbs moved too far, so that when my high beams were on they were illuminating the trees 50 yds ahead of me. The low beams were bright enough that this wasn't a problem, just an annoyance.
  17. Well the weather fucked up my trip to summit before work, gonna try and get there during my lunch if it does.t rain again.
  18. Go HID dude, its super easy ad long as you can find somewhere to mount the ballast. Makes a huge difference, you literallly can see your lights reflecting off signs half a mile away.
  19. Going to stop by summit racing and pick up a can of klotz klr tomorrow, will clean the left side of my rim really good, let it set up according to directions on the can and then take it up to 85 or so on the freeway and see how much fling we get. Nick, popular opinion does not equate to scientific proof. I don't care how many people use wd. There are also thousands of people who believe in alien abduction and Bigfoot. Doesn't make it true. Mineral oils and spirits are bad for rubber, o-rings are rubber. I've tried not lubing oring chains before, and while the rings seal lube in the rollers, they don't do much for the plates.
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