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Gixxus Christ!

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Everything posted by Gixxus Christ!

  1. I'm going to bring in the head and jugs from my 750 and hot tank and media blast them to get an idea of how much to charge based on how long it takes me. If anyone from work is reading this I do it on my break or aftter work so I'm not double-dipping.
  2. No, I refuse to put anymore $ into it because I don't drive it. The perch isn't all the way gone, probably has a sewon left in it depending on how much weight you plan on putting in it.
  3. I have access to all kinds of neat stuff at work like a complete magna-flux / NDT center, media blaster, hot tank degreaser and paint booth. If anyone is doing a motor build this winter let me know, I can inspect your block and heads for stress fractures, blast, paint, etc for rock bottom prices.
  4. Bump. Truck still for sale, priced to move at $1300.
  5. No warranty expressed or implied. Raw deal for him but you are in the clear...you dirty used car salesman.
  6. No problem, Rick is a great guy and I love sending business his way. Aside from being a gunsmith and a class 3 firearms dealer he has a full engine shop. Dude lives in my dream home.
  7. Rick at arlan guns. He works from home so call during bankers hours. 330-673-5133. Tell him Topper sent you.
  8. Blunderbuss, a pound of FFF g and a sack of gravel and broken nails.
  9. The inside diameter of the bores is every bit as critical as the outside diameter of the pistons. There should be a rubber seal in there somewhere, you want to remove that before blasting. Before you reply to this thread considered for a moment that I repair and overhaul aircraft brakes for a living and just might know what I'm talking about. Plastic blasting media probably isn't going remove enough material or deform the bores enough to cause leakage, but that bore also needs to be smooth and blasting will rough up the polish on it.
  10. Bring em to me, ill do em at work. Pm if interested.
  11. The ether and match trick works great, don't worry about getting.hurt. I worked at Martin wheel co. As a supervisor for a while, sometimes we would get some bear claws that didn't wanna air up and I would use starting fluid. Don't be scared.
  12. Good advice but you can't shoot someone in the back while they run for their life. Defensive display stops a lot of crimes in this country.
  13. ROR! (raffing out roud) Rep it.
  14. Same holds true for paranoid college kids. The discovery channel also put a bunch of the claims to an actual test, one of which was packing 70 lbs of thermite around a structural steel I beam 1/4 the size of those used in the wtc and detonating it. The steel was left intact, but when they put one across a ditch filled with burning jet fuel it buckled after a few minutes. Let's try using occum's razor here: What is the least complicated explanation? The intricate, convoluted conspiracy theory or that a group of terrorists who hate us flew planes into buildings, the fire weakened the steel and the buildings collapsed?
  15. http://www.popularmechanics.com/technology/military/news/1227842
  16. I'm not gonna argue any of the rediculous claims of controlled demolition or any other conspiracy theory, they have already been proven false by plenty of independant investigations, one of which was done by popular mechanics magazine. People who argue this nonsense aren't interested in truth, they're interested in their opinion being right.
  17. So you honestly believe our government executed a perfectly orchestrated hoax involving all the different agencies and bureaucracies involved and killed 3000 of its own citizens, crippled its own economy and blew up part of the headquarters of its own military just to justify spending its own tax money on a virtually un-winable war to make dick cheney rich? I'm sorry but apart from that being just fucking crazy, our government has proven it can't even balance a check book, let alone pull off some crazy rube goldberg shit like that. Our government has improved since the 50's tho, civil rights, FOIA, EPA, etc...
  18. Hit it like a caveman fresh outta prison and scramble her eggs!
  19. No sir, no thankyou. I do not want your gayness in my anus.
  20. I'm a browns fan dude, put your boner away.
  21. I just use bacon grease. Its free after you cook the bacon.
  22. Well this was during the height of the red scare and McCarthyism, our govt did a lot of grimey shit back then, like state sponsored racism and segregation, subverting seditious ideas, limiting free speech etc in the name of security for the most part. I would like to think that our system of government has evolved since then. At least this has a clear end game, destroy Cuba. I still haven't figured out what the end game is for the conspiracy theory.....our nation has yet to profit from any of the military action taken after 9/11. Some weirdos will tell you it was all so dick Cheney could pocket some haliburton dollars but I don't buy that for a second.
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