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Gixxus Christ!

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Everything posted by Gixxus Christ!

  1. I would like to eat spaghetti off Jessica biel's naked body.
  2. No luck trolling for the troll huh? A quick Google search of h&q designs Ohio produced no company with that exact name, big surprise...dude probably slices beef at arby's or something euqally menial. I wish he would comment so I could challenge him to race me...I have a thoroughbred unicorn that runs 2's in the half mile. Dude talks so much bullshit he got lie-abeties.
  3. I don't think you can use .17 hmr in a revolver, its necked down and I don't think anyone has made a revolver using a necked down cartridge. On a side note, I really want one of those kel tec pmr's...30 rds of .22 mag in an ugly as sin polymer pistol....
  4. Pblaster is ok but kano kroil is the best penetrating lubricant out there, blows pb away. Wd40 isn't even a penetrant or a lubricant for that matter, it was designed to prevent rust and displace water. You can get kroil at welding shops and some finer hardware stores.
  5. I have a 92fs with custom black and silver wood grips that I have put maybe 300 rds thru...its way too pretty to carry so it just sits in the safe waiting for the apocolypse.
  6. I had a Taurus model 85 titanium in .38 +p. Good little gun, super light weight with the titanium cylinder and barrel shroud. You can pick em up for around $450 I think. My cousin carries a Moët American arms pug in .22 mag. It's absolutely darling, lol. At the range I can't help but giggle after I shoot it, of course it weighs nothing and you could conceal it in a pack of camels if you wanted to. The .22 wmr is a pretty nasty little round too, I wouldn't wanna catch one.
  7. That tattoo had to hurt like fuck...I can only imagine the itchy stage of the healing...girl was probably digging at her flaps constantly.
  8. AR pistols are one of those things that look good on paper but are not so great in practice. I'm not super sure but it might qualify as a short barrel rifle, which requires an nfa tax stamp and disqualifies it from being a pistol and so from the concealed handgun laws. Also its a really good example of people trying to hammer a round peg into a square hole. The AR was designed as a rifle by stoner for a reason. An AR pistol is like putting a turbo on a camry: why not just get something purpose built for your aplication? That being said, they look fun! I would want a thicker grip, maybe a MOE or something like that.
  9. I'll sell you a bike and a pistol, bad. You marines like those m9's right?
  10. Defensive display of a firearm is often enough deterrant to stop a crime. If my sister had been armed the outcome may have been the same, but at least she would have had a chance to defend herself
  11. Here's a story for you: Back in 91 my oldest sister was brutally raped, stabbed over 20 times and her dead body soaked in gasoline and set on fire in the street in akron. If she had been carrying a gun and shot the son of a bitch who, BTW, the cops never found, worse case is she would be out of prison by now. Put that in your pipe and smoke it.
  12. The most conservative estimate is 600,000 per yr. Others put it over a million. I carry and haven't had to pull my pistol yet, and hope I never have to but if I find myself in a situation where my life or my familys life is in danger and I have no other options I will shoot without hesitation.
  13. My cousin has opted to do the work himself in his garage. I'm entertaining all offers at this point.
  14. It's in the for sale section under "perfect beginner/commuter bike".
  15. You should sit on my xj600 and see if you like it. It's pretty low, very comfy for long rides, very predictable power curve and a steal at $1300.
  16. Yes. The most diabolical of cock-punchers.
  17. Did you happen to see this cat leaving the scene of the kneel?
  18. As soon as he decided to carry illegal drugs around with him he was no longer a legal gun owner. He had his gun in his car while he was drinking in the bar so as soon as he would have gotten in his car he would have technically been carrying while intoxicated unless he unloaded the gun and put it in the trunk, in which case he would be using firearms while intoxicated which is also illegal. Do like the old johnny cash song, don't bring your guns to town.
  19. Unfortunate. There's always gonna be some ginger with a chin beard out there making us legal gun owners look bad. It's up to us to set an example by lynching them as soon as they fuck up.
  20. Seats aren't hard to recover, its just foam, vinyl or leather, and staples.
  21. These dipshits won't get even half as close as it takes to use those missiles. We have the best military in the world, our navy hasn't met its match in generations. These guys will never enter the gulf, I bet they anchor way out thousands of miles in international waters. This is a publicity stunt, "hey look, we have navy!" Nothing more.
  22. I was a member of this club, heard It was disbanded. Anyone on here ever been a member or know what happened?
  23. No tool needed for a rivet link if you're creative. I've done them a few different ways, easiest is to press the plate on with some vice grips and bad language, then put a punch in an air hammer and peen the pins over. You can also do it by hand, back the chain link up with a sledge and use a fag hammer to drive punches of progressively larger diameter into the recess in the pin. As far as breaking the old chain, just cut it with an abrasive cut-off wheel. I've done a lot of rivet link chains and never used one of those tools. All of those chains were on my own bikes and one of them has 5k miles on it, and I peened it over with a punch and hammer. Air hammer totally works the best tho.
  24. I'm sippin some chivas regal 12 yr and starting to regret telling my girlfriend that I was cutting down to 2 nights a week drinking Saturday night while.we were drunk. There's a sixer of 'ling in the fridge, half a pint of chivas left in the cupboard and a quarter bottle of jager in the freezer. I'm down to one cigarette.
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