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Gixxus Christ!

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Everything posted by Gixxus Christ!

  1. There will be ale and lager to drink, I have a 3 keg draft system. If there are particular styles people want I have time to work them into my brewing schedule. Tentative plan is to have an amber ale, some sort of lager, probably pilsner, Helles or Dortmund, and a porter or Stout on tap. Open to suggestions. Herbivores and other prey animals are welcome to bring a potato to grill, or there is bountiful grazing available in my dogs' toilet. Clutch will be played. So will Tool and other awesome music. I will also probably play about 1:20 of some really heavy shit until @Isaac's Papa bitches about it being 'angry'. Sag setting can be arranged. I have a lift. Will check the 2017 MotoGP schedule for conflicts. Will also avoid sat the 22nd.
  2. Holy fuck that is the most hideous ghetto fab fuckup I've seen in a long time. Bets on how long he ran it with no oil/the chance it's actually got a 1340 kit in it?
  3. welcome. intruder 1500 is a pretty good bike, definitely a step up from the virago.
  4. OK. Good fix. Now seriously Ben, you need to show up this year.
  5. "stranger in a strange land" by robert heinlein....pretty much anything by heinlein...or gaiman for that matter.
  6. On my phone, if I quote, then for whatever reason I backspace, it puts my cursor in the quote box and there is no way to get out of it other than abort the post and start over. Still plenty of lube in the garage.
  7. Looks to be American bulldog or a mix thereof. Beautiful animal. Sorry for your loss.
  8. I also hope you'll fix the fucking quote box issues but you didn't last year..... Hope to see you make it tho.
  9. I guess I'll never learn.... Here it comes again, the meat and greet. For those unaccustomed, it's a casual meeting of members at my place where we socialize, imbibe beverages, eat grilled meats and generally have a good time. As usual the date is not yet set but is targeted for late April-early May. Changes this year: I have recently rediscovered the joy of home brewing and will have 3 varieties of beer on tap. I invite your input on what varieties to brew. Last year the beer brats and burgers were a hit. Hot dogs, however affordable, just didn't get the attention the higher tier meats did, so expect even better food. We had an awesome turnout last year, and I hope for the same this year. If you want to use the garage for any maintenance or repair/upgrade work on your bike, I have a pretty well-appointed, albeit poorly organized shop. Considering a short ride early in the day, I have a decent route in my area I like to ride, takes less than an hour. This is open to discussion as well. Overall I'm looking forward to seeing some old friends again and making new ones at this event, and it is not limited to NEO. If you want to make the trip from wherever you are, you are welcome. Hope to see another great turnout this year. Tentative date is Saturday April 15th. Extended forecast says 65 and partly cloudy.
  10. Someone didn't look at the supporting documents linked after the story....
  11. Cool. Those are great little bikes, I'd love to have one but prefer the 750. Make sure that motor spins before you buy it!
  12. I have an 82 kaw 750 twin for sale. Great beginner bike, low seat, lots of torque but not crazy fast. Brand new paint. PM if interested. $2k obo
  13. His 'tigers are chasing us, guys!' video is best video.
  14. Fuck max wrist. The Italian authorities seized all his bikes and arrested him last time I heard. Fucking boy racer squid fuck.
  15. Likely someone ran it out of oil, but there would be evidence of that on the cams, the lobes would be swedged out sideways. You can mic the new used crank bearings and journals to determine if they're in spec. You can access the oil passages with the crank out, and you can replace the oil pump pretty cheaply for peace of mind. Good luck, I have a great trick for getting the cyl back on over the rings. I will type it out if you request.
  16. Lol, I present you an argument based on facts and experience and you somehow twist it into me anthropomophicizing dogs. That's cute. Most canine behavior issues come from dogs being treated like people. You are a dullard. Please do not procreate.
  17. Absolutely false. Genetics play a very small part in a dogs propensity towards human aggression. Bull breeds weren't even bred as attack dogs. American bulldogs were bred to be catch dogs on cattle farms and to aid in boar hunting in early America. The terrier branch of bully dogs were bred for hunting and companionship. The surge in negative press on pitbull attacks is part media hype, part idiots who don't know how to train a dog and yes, part is the fact that they are a powerful breed of dog and can do a lot of damage if they bite. In the 70's it was the German Shepherd, in the 80's it was the Doberman, in the 90's the Rottweiler. I volunteer with an animal rescue that rehabilitates abused and neglected animals, many of them are pitbull type breeds. I've seen dangerous and vicious dogs rehabilitated and trained and adopted to homes with small children over and over again with no issue. Currently snoring at my feet is my American bulldog Dixie. She was an aggressive, dominant, dangerous dog when we started fostering her. Now she cleans our cats ears like they were her pup's and attacks visitors to our home with kisses. Any dog can be dangerous. All dog breeds bite. The cause is almost always the training, or lack thereof, that the dog received.
  18. It's normal to see carbon on piston crowns like that. Your cyl walls would be dull and lumpy if you seized a piston. Pull the cyl off. It's easy to get back on, just gotta know the trick. My bet is that you either have a seized crank bearing or something in the clutch/trans exploded....Or the primary drive chain broke and wrapped itself around the crank....Or a dozen other bottom end issues. Make sure all the bolts and stuff are out and pull the barrels off. Remove the clutch side cover, ignition pickup cover or maybe stator cover (I'd have to look at motor to figure out the best place) and put a breaker bar and socket on it.
  19. Fucking idiots. People like this who obviously raised this dog to be aggressive give the breed a bad name.
  20. I bought a set of solid state relays for my electric brewery off eBay. Claimed rating was 40 amps. Wired the first one up and it immediately failed. Same for the other. Ripped them apart and found that the triac (component that handles the load) was only rated at 16 amps. Did a bit of googling and discovered that these are highly counterfeited items. Reported seller and demanded refund. They refunded after I shipped them back.
  21. You fuckers will pay me in April.
  22. Can't go, broke as fuck lately, all spare money going towards building a brew pub in my basement. You fuckers will thank me in April.
  23. Lol and here you are back again. Ask anyone who has a generally bad impression of sport bike riders why and you'll get two answers: speeding and wheelies. Stunting on public streets turns public opinion against sport bikes. It makes people more likely to do asshole shit to sport bike riders like cut them off. You are part of the problem.
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