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Gixxus Christ!

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Everything posted by Gixxus Christ!

  1. Damn Hyundai held up pretty good for getting smacked with a pickup. People who bitch about how "they don't make em like they used to" probably forget that this same impact would have been fatal in an old lead sled. Glad you're fam is ok. Buy a Subaru.
  2. Don't dwell on details. Just mash it in. Or make 2 sandwiches and I will come eat one while I demonstrate proper motor sandwich mashing technique.
  3. Munster and Havarti on sourdough.
  4. Nope. Voodoo implies some sort of skill or emotional investment. Can't be said for that stale piss water.
  5. We all agree you're stupid. Check resistance on coils, coolant temp sensor against values in fsm. Failing that, cram a grilled cheese sandwich into the intake funnels for number 2 and 3 cylinders.
  6. Oh it's not that much of a job. At least you can just swap the entire tank, pump,filter as a unit. If it fixes the issue you can check individual items you took off. If it doesn't fix it, you can rule out everything up to the fuel rail.
  7. Hate to burst your bubble but the big 3 auto manufacturers and most of aerospace has converted to metric already. All religion is batshit and ballocks. Christianity isn't any crazier than Scientology when you quit believing in magic and superstition .
  8. I do both of these things.
  9. You seem to have forgotten the dark ages. Called so because the church basically killed or silenced most of the artists and scientists and anyone that did not obey the church or question the Bible. Chronologically speaking, Islam right now is where Christianity was during the dark ages so, same thing really. As far as lawsuits, I believe businesses should be free to refuse service to anyone. That's free market capitalism. If you're pig headed enough to refuse service to someone based on where they put their dick at night, good for you, you just lost money. What you seem to have forgotten is your statement that the govt is "pushing gender change and homosexuality onto the American Christians" which it is not. If that were so, there would be gays trying to convert you....instead of the other way around. Giving the lgbt community equal footing does not equate to pushing their agenda on Christians. You are still free to be straight and believe in fairy tales. I'm very sorry you're being forced to acknowledge that a segment of the population exists.
  10. Upon further inspection it's a massive exhaust leak at the head. Probably cost about the same to repair.
  11. Agreed. They should spend their lives closeted, hiding their lifestyle for fear it may offend someone who bases their moral code on a book written by slave owners from the bronze age who treated offspring and women like cattle and were constantly at war and didn't know where the sun went at night. Makes perfect sense.
  12. Did it feel like it had only dropped one cyl or more like a total failure? Single cyl might point to c.o.p., or maybe single injector failure but not likely. Sounded to me like you went way lean all the way across the bank for a little while.
  13. I'm gonna guess that this is an OEM head gasket. I'd like to find an MLS one but they don't exist. OEM has copper fire ring like any other factory head gasket from that era.
  14. So I broke down and got a tag for the kz750 I've been trying to sell on cl with hopes of riding it to bike nights and selling it that way. Took it on a brap Saturday morning and it kept idling funny and sounded like it had an exhaust leak. Get it home and rev it a few times in the garage and it starts shooting smoke and flames out the side of the motor. Head gasket is toast. 16k miles. Wtf? Good news is it's a $35 part, job can be done with motor in frame and it should take me all of a few hours after work one day....just really didn't want to be dicking around with this bike anymore.
  15. Sounded like fuel starvation. Intermittent problems like that are a real bitch. You could swap in a known good fuel pump, or maybe find a way to monitor pressure at the fuel rail while riding to see if it is indeed dropping. Aside from that, go over all associated wiring and make sure there isn't an issue there. This is why I prefer carbureted bikes.
  16. He's right you know. Think about this for a second: religion is primarily a result of geography. You were born in America to im assuming Christian parents. If you were born in India, you would be Hindu. Or maybe Buddhist. If you were born in Iran you'd probably be Muslim. So if that's what primarily determines your religion, how can you be so sure that yours is right? Religion is just another means to divide and control. In the end you rot in a box and that's it. Thanks for playing.
  17. My wife had to have a molar root canal. Instead of going to a specialist she went to a regular dentist. That dentist couldn't hit the main nerve with the Novocain. She also couldn't read an x ray for dick and missed 2 accessory roots. Over the course of 5 visits my wife endured 12 hours of root canals with no anesthesia. Then the tooth broke in half and she had to get it pulled and get a permanent bridge. Careful who you let fiddle around in your mouth.
  18. Fucking software is horrible on this shit show of a forum. I've worked on aprilia before, no thanks. They sound good and are fast but as Pauly has said before, they're fucking garbage.
  19. After riding the monster 900 I've been working on I'm starting to like the idea of owning a pasta rocket. Needs to be more comfy tho, if I want my balls crushed I'll give the wife a titty twister.
  20. Damn. Got picnics the entire weekend. I need to get on a group ride soon, been too long.
  21. Mine dropped my phone recently on a particularly bumpy patch of road. Luckily the guys riding behind me saw and I was able to go back for it. I wouldn't trust it completely without a tether of some sort.
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