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Gixxus Christ!

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Everything posted by Gixxus Christ!

  1. Little too far for you to bring it my way, pm hoblick, he's a solid dude and a good tech, lives in Marysville iirc.
  2. Been using pro grip 725 on like, every sport bike I've owned. Happy with them.
  3. I've had oversize gloves, still caused numbness because the seams were garbage because they were cheap gloves.
  4. OK, so more carburetor shenanigans.... Couldn't for the life of me get the damn diaphragm air tight on #2. Turns out my #2 choke plunger is both leaking air and not properly fixed to the choke shaft. This also explains my erratic idle. The chokes would randomly open and shut, dropping vacuum to the diagram and dumping fuel, raising my idle. I'd back the throttle stop out, eventually idle would fall, then the vibrations would let the choke seat again and boom, no gas,bike stalls. Looks like I need a 4 or 5 mm 'oh shit' clip and a spring to return the chokes to their rightful position. Also wired and installed the factory -ish coil and threw out the bubba set up. Once my petcock arrives I can run it from an actual tank and get it up for sale....oh and I gotta finish the block offs for the emissions things. Even with the reeds turned the right way they sound horrible.
  5. I get numbness but I think it's from cheap gloves, seams pressing on nerves.
  6. Fill your bars with shot so they don't vibrate, or at least vibrate at a different rpm.
  7. Clearly they knew which way to turn a bolt to remove it, and which way to replace it. I am suspect of them having any skill level above that.
  8. Put on the uni pods, swapped in richer pilot jets, still runs like dog shit. #2 cyl doesn't wanna fire. I'm also out of gas in the garage so that's it for tonight.
  9. Got a set of uni pods coming today to replace the garbage emgo cones. Hoping that smooths out some of my induction issues. Really want to saw off the stock mufflers and fit a set of upswept reverse cones, but that's another $130 that I don't want to spend.
  10. I'm not even mad, I'm just really impressed.
  11. OK.... shit wrong with this bike so far: (Note: this is not an indictment on two wheel, the member I got this puppy from, just an expose on what happens when people don't understand what they're doing. I don't think he even worked on it) Bike was born with electronic ignition from what I understand. Cdi, hall effect pickup all that stuff. Someone shitcanned it all for points and condenser with centrifugal advance and two enormous automotive ignition coils. Omg, so kustom. Air box deleted, cheap shitty pod filters clamped onto carbs. Not only were the carbs not jetted up, the pilot jets had plugs pressed into them. Idk wtf. Because the air box was gone, so was all the plumbing for the secondary air injection system, but the two spigots on the valve cover are still there, and get this, someone took the reed valves, that are supposed to let the pumped air in and keep exhaust gasses from escaping, were flipped so that hot exhaust gasses constantly bark out of the two little spigots. Petcock was completely borked. Vacuum deal, constantly on, bolt blocking the air hose. Bought a rebuild kit and dove in, the spring is missing that shuts the gas off in the absence of vacuum. petcock was in so bad of shape that it's not salvageable. Ordered replacement on Amazon. Turn signal relay and associated wiring is just gone. No idea why. Turn signals are still on the bike. So this is gonna be a tough row to hoe, but I'm stubborn as fuck so I figure by the middle of June I'll have a respectable bike.
  12. This isn't a how to so much as it's a Chronicle of how to bring a bike back from the hellish torments of a non-mechanic. A week ago I traded a pistol to a forum member for his non running kz750 twin. He said he never really messed with it, didn't have time. Was happy to trade it for a running pistol and 20 Rds of hydroshock. Bike had no air box, instead had emgo pod filters, which are worse than nothing at all. After a few hours of the usual things you go through on an old non-runner I had it firing. I wish I had time to document everything right now but my lunch is over. More to come.
  13. Epic Bourbon sounds like something I should drink of.
  14. I'm glad you see things my way lol, now bring me more shine.
  15. Cl people are horrible...wait.... People are horrible. Overall the general public is a drooling, selfish, uneducated fucknut. We don't normally recognize this ugly truth because we tend to surround ourselves with people of our own ilk. Craigslist breaks down those societal walls that we unconsciously build. It is the vector by which people are exposed to the stupidity of the masses. I fucking hate dealing with it.
  16. Sounds like a douche. Best way to catagorize a poser douche canoe is to count the number of skulls on his Hardly Abelson. 3 or more, that's a confirmed douche. 6 or 7, serious douche, definitely has a collection of do rags and wrap around sunglasses. 8 or more and you're looking at vinegar and water in human form.
  17. Parma is a bit of a haul from my place in massillon and I don't have equipment to balance a tire but a shop very near to my place does. I can totally rebuild your forks, just get seals and fork oil for your bike and bring them with you.
  18. In my 20's I didn't sport much gear. Helmet, maybe boots. Gloves and jacket if it was cold. I have since matured. Not that wearing gear takes you out of squiddome....but most atgatt riders don't rock dank woolies on public streets or go onto the freeway in large groups with the express purpose of riding like assholes.
  19. And now I'm at work making over $40/hr. Would rather be sleeping.
  20. Got this kz750 twin I just got off two wheel running, drank some beers, cooked dinner for me and the wife and watched a movie. Now to sleep early so I can go into work for double time tomorrow.
  21. Kerosene and a nylon brush. Kerosene is cheap and can be reused several times. Once clean I go on a quick brisk ride and then hit it with klotz klr. Lasts a long time.
  22. Got it home. Whoever you got it off of lied to you. Carbs were never jetted or adjusted for pods and they appear to have jammed metal plugs into the holes where the pilot jets go....never seen that before. Also they rigged up 2 huge automotive style ignition coils. Gonna be a journey.
  23. Surely quick until I die. Actually the term comes from surfers in the 60's.
  24. Squids are generally unsafe and unskilled riders with no gear.
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