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Everything posted by Pokey

  1. Wasn't aware that Blackhawk had one for the PPQ, and yes by all means go with that as your top choice. Have one for my XD-9 and I love that holster.
  2. She stays in a Holiday Inn Express sometimes.
  3. XDS will be coming out in 9mm and .40 too. Cannot go wrong with that or the Shield, quality and very tough pistols.
  4. Fobus is cheap for a reason. http://www.foxxholsters.com/Default.aspx?FromIIS=true http://www.phlster.com/#!available-firearms-&-gear http://www.carlwalther.com/holsters.htm
  5. Good thing I don't look at or care about polls, I rarely watch the news too.
  6. So if something happens, do you honestly think and believe that is all that will happen? Interesting that you don't give a shit, especially when more rights and privileges may be affected going forward. But yes there is always many ways to do destruction, and those that want to carry out that destruction will still find a way to do so. Many in this administration don't believe in band-aids, they want lengthy unneeded legislation and control over the sheeple. Have you even seen the proposed AWB? It is a helluva lot more than 10 plus round magazines, it is much much worse. It shouldn't pass, but nothing surprises me anymore.
  7. So what is your stance on the whole thing?
  8. Really.......you and I obviously see things differently. It is referred to as a witch hunt, and witch hunts are rarely done for the right or sane reasons. So much blame being placed in the wrong direction, can't say I am surprised though. The reaction to 911 was one of much better unity, this is anything but. The 911 reaction hasn't turned out so well either.
  9. Nope no problems. But there are a shitload of lefties who inhabit that state, so not sure how many carry anyways.
  10. Allot of low IQ's in that video.
  11. Yeah that is looking good no matter who owns it.
  12. Of course that isn't your gun right?
  13. The "problem" is they believe that stricter gun laws will help prevent this from happening going forward. They will continue to make their violent content and killing spree movies, because they don't believe that is harmful in any way. My Mom always told me as a kid "trash in equals trash out". It is a parents responsibility to teach their kids right from wrong and fantasy vs reality. But that there is a HUGE part of the problem, and many parents have no idea what their kids are into and what is age appropriate vs not. So all those actors are all major hypocrites, they live by do as I say, not as I do......as do many other Americans.
  14. Hollywood and those Liberal actors give millions of dollars to their Lobbyists, so unfortunately they have the funds behind them to sway public opinion.
  15. Exactly what I was thinking.
  16. Buses need to be banned too obviously. Not making light of this tragedy at all, just using as an example of how other situations and inanimate objects can cause allot of casualties in human hands. http://news.yahoo.com/9-killed-more-2-dozen-hurt-charter-tour-072015472.html
  17. Might as well ban porn too, there is allot of shooting going on in there as well.
  18. No skill involved, just gun safety and knowing your weapon.
  19. True.....but that will never happen "now".
  20. My precious........this is what I will be getting next. http://www.traegergrills.com/
  21. There is a plan in place that has been in place, and it works. And yeah that is the blackest kettles I have ever seen. Wonder how they would all feel if their paychecks are vastly affected by this, no more action movies and no more people going to the theaters. Celebrities don't live in the real world anyways, so fuck them!!!!!!!!!! Take away their security guards, make them get rid of their guns in their homes, bet they won't like that huh?
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