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Everything posted by Pokey

  1. Maybe cover with the good blue masking tape?
  2. Big reason why Obama got re-elected?
  3. I have never had a problem drinking.
  4. She posted boob pics? And she seems pretty much to me out to have fun and meet people, she is young and out to have fun. And if it is attention whoring, it appears to be working.
  5. She has never acted like she is a know it all, and can't say she has ever really argued or overly debated about anything. So she is treated differently because she acts differently, and she also isnt unpleasant to look at. This forum is what you make of it, more social for some and less for others. Agree that if you are annoyed with somebody, then why not block/ignore them?
  6. Take the advice of your own avatar.
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VlMvsFMH4ss
  8. Sigs are not the guns they used to be from my understanding. I would love to have a 92FS, but honestly I think I would take the Taurus PT92 over the Beretta.
  9. Well shit.....bad timing as usual.
  10. The light viscosity or standard?
  11. I need to look into this slide glide.
  12. I will no longer be getting into the Zone.......Advance or O' Reilly for me.
  13. There are 2 members that need to get a room.
  14. A wise shooter friend of mine made a very good point to me recently, he said "buy a decent gun, then spend a bit more for some good to great optics". A decent rifle with good ammo is very capable, the optics is what really changes the game.
  15. My Uncle works for AEP and reads meters every single day, and he has yet to shoot a dog. Now he has maced a few, but it obviously didnt kill them.
  16. Yup I am very aware of this, but if the ATF/FBI/CIA decided they want to put a stop to that, I am sure they could and will eventually do so. I am in the camp of do it while you can, because it aint gonna last.
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