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Everything posted by Pokey

  1. There are millions of people in this country alone that would disagree with you on that. People kill people plain and simple, but to think for 1 second that the nation of Islam doesnt have it out for the rest of the infidel non believers "in one way or another" is fooling yourself.
  2. Oh.....and since I trashed my shoulder riding off-road with Swingset, and I have now missed 3 weeks of work since surgery, my lady is really worried about me riding anywhere other than on-road. That looks like so much fun, would love to do that.
  3. Spending more money and my wife completely cutting me off from sex if I were to start doing this, that is what holds me back.
  4. Gotta admire those who have an answer for everything and seem to know it all. Perhaps they reside in or near a Holiday Inn Express? I agree with allot of what Serpentracer has said by the way, there are some things about 911 that just does not logically fit the answers given. Oh and the black boxes were found.....I guarantee it, experts say they are always found. http://www.infowars.com/articles/sept11/blackboxes_found_analyzed.htm
  5. Vstrom 650 is calling your name, I'm telling ya man! They are so damn fun to ride and versatile, you would be smiling allot under that helmet.......ALLOT.
  6. I'm a troll or admitting you are a troll?
  7. That gets the old fluid out for sure, but still need to ensure any and all air is purged.
  8. Pokey


    Judging by your avatar pic, you should fit in nicely here......welcome!
  9. Saw a very nice FZ6 on the site for sale........awesome bikes!!!!
  10. Was just an example Matt of how fucked up this country is according to what color you are "or appear to be", this is relevant in allot of situations anymore. Everything seems to revolve around race, instead of the person. And I know that you loathe all sports too.
  11. It just happens too much anymore, so many take any opportunity to use the word racist or bigot, whenever they feel wronged or repressed. Some of these whackjobs that are equal rights activists, have no intention to ensure things are equal and just for everybody. They are many times the worst of the bunch, they have an agenda and don't want peace no matter what they say. Too white or too black, not white enough or not black enough..... this shit needs to stop or this country will just become more divided.
  12. Vstrom or Versys IMHO, luggage options and accessories galore. The C14 is one bad ass hyper sport touring machine, only a good option for very experienced riders in most situations and circumstances.
  13. Seriously........and the roster is in fact "not all Caucasian White" yet they appear to be white, so how is this not profiling, how is this right and fair for some to start shit and cause problems? Why not target golf, tennis, hockey and soccer, these are obviously sports that are too white? So if you play in a league that is 75% African American, that sure doesn't leave much to be spread around throughout the teams for the other ethnicity. Equal rights activists my ass......pure hypocrites. NCAA teams like Stanford, Duke, Indiana, Butler and Wisconsin have rosters that are primarily white "there are several others too", so I am sure their recruiting is racially biased as well? http://www.thepostgame.com/blog/dish/201210/are-minnesota-timberwolves-too-white
  14. That is a great thing to do for an employee......kudos to you!
  15. Less of a man if you "don't" ride it home.
  16. You said that someday you wanted to do something with animals, thought that was what you meant?
  17. Norton is a scam that you pay for, don't activate it and just download Microsoft security essentials. Other great free ones out there too, I am sure others will chime in.
  18. Buy a new one, they are not expensive for what 3/4 of people actually need. Can get some nice options for $400/$500 these days.
  19. People fucking suck, always looking to point the blame at another, and inanimate objects.
  20. Vista was actually not bad, but still like XP the best. Have had zero issues with 7 however.
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