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Posts posted by Pokey

  1. exactly. thats the whole point.

    of course you cant compare it to some high falutin hoity toity microbrew, or some super special IPA (that tastes like a gym sock too lol)

    its a cheap beer period. trying to compare it to good beers is just dumb.

    when you're going to get shitty and drink a cooler full of beer on saturday at your tailgate, its gonna be bud light/miller/coors/natty/pbr something like that. you arent drinking 15 goose islands, or 15 founders breakfast stouts.

    yuengling is on the level of bud/coors/miller etc. but IMO better tasting than those.

    Well said and I agree.........I am a fan of their Porter the most.

  2. People are stupid. You are a big sumbeech. I'm surprised someone had the nerve to say that to you.

    A big +1......but obviously the lil shit lost his nerve rather quickly.:D Maybe saying the smell from his girlfriends pussy still lingering on your goatee, was the only thing you smell and rode most recently?

  3. if you own a harley and a sport bike and actually ride both and rack miles up does the world implode?

    when they are in the garage alone together do they argue back and forth of which one is better, or do they make sweet sweet interacial bike love.. spewing fluids all over like a bukkaki porno. maybe thats why alot of harleys leak, maybe its not a leak but a wet dream of one night with a jap, or a sweet sweet sexy little euro bike

    That is so awesome Ryan!!!!!!!:bow:

  4. I don't care what type bike you ride...its the stereotypical HD personality and attitude I dislike.

    Except allot of it is true.;) There are all kinds of folks that ride/own bikes......to each their own about how they want to live it. I do however dislike the "ride to live/live to ride" statement and then very few actually do that. But......they sure do act and dress that way. Do you know why so many riders "especially Harley" park under and overpass when it is raining? Well allot has to do with it getting their chrome extra dirty, but the other is that rain hurts like hell when you have NO GEAR on. The SAME can be said for allot of squid riders out there too, I personally prefer the pirates over them anyday. I too feel bad for the guy, but I doubt it is worth the 25K he is stating. Many of us upgrade and accessorize our rides and we lose our butts on it, very few would get back what they have invested.

  5. I think the biggest part of the problem now is we're in too deep to get out. I think the only way to get out would be to go back to the 40's when it took 100 or so guys to build a car and that sort of thing. That sounds great and all but look what that would do to the country. We'd all lose everything we have and would have to start all over from scratch.

    There is no magic bullet. There is no one right answer. No President can create jobs. You can create work which then creates jobs, but what jobs will they create? They need to be sustaining jobs, not part time census taker jobs. How do you do that? I have no idea.

    President Bush opened the flood gates when he gave tax breaks to corporations that sent jobs overseas. The idea was to use that saved money to reinvest in the company and create new things. Great idea but that's not what happened. Oh they saved a ton of money - trust me, but it went into the coffers, not into R&D. The fat cats pocketed the money and laughed all the way to the bank. And what did it do to us? It put too many of us on the streets.

    President Clinto mandated banks to give loans to people that don't deserve loans. Everyone should have a piece of the American Dream and own their own home. Look where that got us.

    The Porkulous bill was supposed to go to the banks so they could lend it back out so we could buy more things, stimulate the economy, blah blah blah. Guess what? It didn't happen. The banks kept all the money and didn't lend a dime!

    Pokey - you mentioned GE is sending jobs over seas. Guess who was inline for many of the Green Jobs and grants for Green technologies? GE, that's who. Guess who is one of President Obama's advisors? The president and CEO of GE.

    So who exactly is to blame? Big union? Big banking? Big Corporation? Big polititian? Big Wallstreet? Everyone one is guilty of getting us where we are today. It isn't just one industry.

    I'm an analyst by profession. I look at things and figure out where the problems are and how to fix it, where the weaknesses are and how to strengthen them, and to find where the flaws are and make them better. I can't fix this one though. I just can't do it.


    I am very familiar with GE....trust me.

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