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Posts posted by Pokey

  1. Just to stir the pot further a bit more.... this kinda realates to he Jim Crow law that said you had to be able to read in order to vote. Nowhere in the constitution does it say you have to be educated to the level of reading to vote. Similarly it does not say you have to be tactically proficient enough to defend yourself with a firearm to carry one.

    We saw/and are seeing what happens when many uneducated people vote.:wtf: I never said for a person to be tactically proficient, only to be gun educated and have knowledge of their firearm toward safety for them and others. Well...... that is what I am trying to say in a nutshell.

  2. So then Vermont must be demonstratively less safe and more crime-filled than Ohio, as they have zero restrictions or permit-based roadblocks in order to carry.

    Is this the case?

    If it's not, are you willing to use that open mind of yours to admit you might be wrong or emotionally invested in a viewpoint that reality conflicts with?

    I am opened minded toward almost anything Craig, although I really don't give a rats ass about Vermont cause I don't live there. Also what cities in Vermont can actually compare to Ohio's in terms of size and the crime that occurs annually? I have been to Vermont, cant say I would feel unsafe anywhere in that state. I honestly thought you might be a person that would be somewhat hesitant to allow everyone to carry, I guess I am now enlightened;).


  3. You should go tell the whiners over on Buckeye Firearms that you have seen the error of your evil thoughts. Oh wait you can’t because the assholes locked the thread because they couldn’t handle an adult conversation.

    Exactly...........at least I aint banned yet.:rolleyes:

  4. Well.......this is at a buddy of mines place "it is awesome", and this is an event that myself and him has put together. I used to own a Vstrom and the first rally was mostly Stroms, last year was the first non bike specific rally and was very successful. Had about 30 show up last year, and hope to have even more this year.

  5. Changed it to Statewide.

    You should add more details to this thread. Most folks don't click through to another site to view event details.

    Thank you sir.....and I made the appropriate changes!!!!!!:bow: I am looking to see about shirts again this year, but may have to do this after the rally.....will see about interest during the duration.

  6. Being able to open carry without a CHL is a total pain in the ass, and how many actually do it? You have to follow all the rules for transporting in your vehicle, then you take the risk of holstering/un-holstering your gun in public just so you can carry? Then you have people that can't /wont mind their own damn business and call the police to report you carrying. Now the popo can let you go in peace, or they may just bust you for inducing panic. It just aint gonna work, and it doesnt work......so get your CHL and be done with it.....at least you are 100% legal. I am against those that have had certain felonies and are not able to legally carry, I hope that issue gets fixed eventually. The 2nd Amendment is not being followed to the conditions and expectations that the founding fathers intended........so how can the states/Gov be allowed to do what they are doing? I do agree that many won't carry even if they are constitutionally allowed, but I am still very leery of those carrying that don't know a damn thing about guns.

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