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Posts posted by Pokey

  1. Everything I've read in defense of the accused is believable. The news lying, a woman freaking out at the site of a gun, etc. All standard. I even believe that the roadside stupid human tricks test could be a problem for someone with the injuries described.

    If you're accused of something like this and you have a permit, you know the serious nature of the license. If you passed the class, you know that it's not a game. If you're suspected of DUI while you are armed, you know to submit to the roadside tests. You should be demanding one and a blood test to immediately prove your innocence.

    The test might lie? Please! If you have not been drinking at all, it's not going to register high enough no matter what and a blood test would certainly not show any. If you have been drinking, even just a little, you're an idiot for carrying while drinking and you don't deserve the permit.

    It will be interesting to see how this pans out.

    Agree..........and I would never do a field sobriety test, give me the blower thing or take me for a blood or urine test. Don't bring any unnecessary attention to yourself when you are carrying, because people are stupid and don't mind their own damn business. The media rarely ever reports true and accurate anything, they must always spice up the story to get people interested and worked up. Carrying is a big responsibility, obey any and all rules "whether stupid or not" and you have the law in your favor.

  2. Its not rigged. There is just no one worth a damn in his weight class. Sonnen had Silva beat but he screwed up in the last round. And if it is rigged I feel sorry for the Belfort who got a front kick to the face. Hell of a way to throw a fight.

    Oh yeah......boxing I think is many times fixed, but no way in hell UFC, K1, Pride or Strikeforce are throwing fights. People are throwing GSP's name out in this thread allot, he is incredible for sure but I feel would be in trouble against Silva. I want to see Silva and Lyoto Machida fight, that guy is another who just never ceases to maze me with his sick skills and incredible talent.

  3. Ugh I remember that fight, what a joke.

    This shit definitely does seem like it's rigged sometimes. Silva is a badass but it's just really hard to believe that no one in the entire world can even put up a decent fight against him. Okami went down from a jab...seems a little suspect to me

    Have you ever been hit with a good solid jab? Watch how Silva strikes, he tends to follow through instead of snapping his shots. And if you place a jab right on the chin "kisser button" you can for sure go down in one shot. And he has won almost before the fight even starts because he gets into your head, and he will then stalk you and attack like a tiger.

  4. What I wanna know is how he lands those little ass rabbit punches and puts people on the ground.

    You mean like how he did to Forest Griffin and then Griffin wanted "no more" from that bad ass!!!! Silva is the real deal, a true mixed martial artist.....not a wrestler or a Jujitsu practitioner who just wants to roll around on the ground and submit you. He can do all that AND totally destroy you with his unreal Muay Thai and whatever else he has mastered. He is a class act that just happens to like to celebrate after he dominates an opponent, dont they all pretty much do that to a point? Of course he can backup his celebrations time and time again.......serious bad dude!!! I love K1 more than anything else, talk about non stop action and unreal athletes........whom you do not want to stand toe to toe with.

  5. I would love to, I am a huge UFC fan and have been watching since the beginning. I just can't justify the price for myself, I may have to see if a local bar is showing it. Gonna be a great fight card tonight!!!!!!!

  6. Good roads for sure.......you should've hit 26 and 260 while you were down there....they are the best in the state in my opinion. I rode up in Mohican area yesterday, 97 to 39/60 and then 62 home "also wonderful roads". This state has some incredible roads, just ask anybody that comes to my moto rally from Canada or out of state!:banana:

  7. The 14 isn't a bad bike except for the ghey seat and the foreman grills. I haven't checked the aftermarket supply for the 14's in awhile but they were lacking in options for touring, thus making the Busa easier to turn in to a true touring bike.

    Yeah that is what I hear, I have actually seen a few sweet Busa's set up that way.:bow:

  8. Ok, well it sucks finding gear for women. My jacket is a man's jacket. Something ridiculous like XXXL just so it would fit but the arms are too long. If I try to find pants for my ample hips and butt, forget about it. They will be like 2 feet long on me. My raingear pants are super super long. Hell, maybe I'm just too short. All of the women's gear at the Pony is sized crazy. The girl there told me that it's European sizing. Where normally I could get an XL, I can barely even get my arms in an XL jacket there.

    The industry is starting to realize that women like to ride too, although still way behind in having enough gear for the masses. They make most gear for the girls that are seat covers on the back of their boyz bike......sad but true.:rolleyes:

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