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Everything posted by Pokey

  1. Many are under the illusion that without guns and ammo including other means to barter with, and along with little to know knowledge of how to survive without electricity and our luxury items, that things are going to be just peachy because they BELIEVE everyone will pull together and just get along. So that means the hillbillies, rednecks, and preppers in all their camouflage will be picking many off left and right. Not like our entire economic structure as we know it is about to collapse, no reason at all to think ahead and prepare a bit for the worst. Many in the big cities are good as dead, when they run out of things to loot and take for themselves, they will venture into the burbs and rural country.....things will get very ugly and very real for them. And NOBODY can survive and thrive like a redneck or a hillbilly, just another day for many of them "minus the trips to Wal-Mart", on occasion. LOL
  2. Yeah that is the achilles heel I understand, hopefully those niggles can be fixed in time.
  3. I am starting to think that polymer is the way to go, and in theory should be longer lasting and tougher than the aluminum.
  4. Should not always judge a book by it's cover, have we still not learned that? I come from a long line of Hillbillies, much of my family "Mom's side" is from deep in Eastern KY, and there are many levels of rednecks, most of which are very good people.
  5. Did I say that? No I simply mentioned the long rooted history of this country and the majority of people that live here "yes the majority", and no I am not saying that is the end all, the correct way or believe all for belief systems or morality. I am discussing the overall history of this country over everything else, but political correctness and thin skin victim mentality is going to kill this country. Certain associations out there which started with good intentions and were a positive force to be reckoned with, now do nothing but stir the pot and are fulling playing and abusing the victims card. I am a Christian and have absolutely nothing against the gay community, I have gay friends and love them for who they are, and as a Christian I do not consider them any better or worse than anyone else. Not all Christians are religious zealots, but the media loves to expose the ones who are. Phil Robertson gave his opinion and outlook as he sees it through "his faith", so how does he differ from anyone else? He did not attack anyone, he did not condemn anyone to Hell, he never insinuated any hate or ill will, said he still loved them regardless.....he gave his view point. So what if the gay community cannot handle his views and beliefs, who is honestly in the wrong here? The word "DEMAND" really bothers and eats at me, and we are hearing it much too often as of late. That is a victim and we will win at all costs mentality, and it is going to bring the country to its knees. Disagree with me all you want, I could care less....truth hurts.
  6. Around 5k so far.......
  7. That is awesome Sam, so how are you feeling? I understand that Celexa "Bupropion" seems to also help many with the urges and cessation.
  8. Interesting, I guess the American history books need some editing. No......It was not founded on "the Bible", but the history of this country and those that came to form the colonies were not atheist for sure. Religious freedom here is very important "that was a huge deal", but the founding Fathers being an overwhelmingly mix of Christians and Deists, did have a different way of looking at things and going about them when compared to other countries with their governments or royalty. There are very deep rooted Abrahamic and Judaic beliefs and heritages in this country, and they were here and followed/celebrated before all other belief systems "excluding the Native Americans". Like it or not this is an overwhelmingly Christian country, but just like anyone else, Christians are not perfect either. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Religion_in_the_United_States
  9. Nothing politically correct about that!
  10. Secularism is a powerful thing, be very careful what you wish for.
  11. Sounds like you are ready to quit, good luck and you can do it!
  12. Pretty much can just visit Easton for all of that.
  13. Not charged.......imagine that.
  14. My Father told me once, as I have also told my Son " I am not your buddy or your friend, I am your Father, but we can be all of that someday".
  15. It will be gone by next Fall!!
  16. Things are looking good for me to attend, and more than happy to bring some smoked piggy.
  17. Soft water for shaving is AWESOME!
  18. And then you have her brother.......and we are off topic. LOL
  19. What I use as well, except mine go in a Cuisinart......makes KILLER salsa too!!!!
  20. I have never ventured out to that beautiful part of the country "yet", big reason why I would have to take my sweet ole time the first trip out. I think how you are doing it is going to be a great time, sure are gonna be some sore butts though.
  21. I love the flavor of Tabasco chipotle pepper sauce, has such a nice smoky flavor.....yummy in chili.
  22. There are no onions in mine either, not a fan of them and not needed IMHO.
  23. I will be there for whatever final date is set, unless I can't. LOL
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