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Everything posted by Pokey

  1. Pokey


    There are very humane ways of torture, it is not all about pulling fingernails and putting a battery to your nuts. If mental torture and other humane means gets the info we ned that saves American lives......I AM 110% FOR IT.
  2. Interesting.....mine ingests and digests anything that I put into it, and all in a pistol that has NEVER had a thorough cleaning.
  3. Buddy of mine has the .45, he just sent his in to Springfield as a precaution.
  4. Pokey


    Neither is our Government and intelligence.
  5. Yup......but I say make it an "option" for all inmates.
  6. Pokey


    And......only one way to deal with and get rid of vermin like that too. They know that our morals and principles will get the best of us, until we become ruthless back, they are gonna keep on thriving.
  7. Yet they all add up don't they? The piece of shit at Ft Hood seemed to do just fine without an assault rifle, guess we had better ban all semi auto pistols too. Guess we should also screen our soldiers better, how dare a lunatic Muslim radical be in the military.
  8. Pokey


    Whatever you say Magdor.
  9. Take away one means of death, others will take its place. How about lets start killing evil mother fuckers ASAP who deserve to die, and lets do it publicly and let Harley Davidson, Monster, and Budweiser sponsor it!!
  10. Pokey


    There has to be collateral damage "you dumb naive ass that thinks he knows everything", air strikes and boots on the ground will do nothing for the vermin over there. A certain war was ended because of some massive atomic explosions that really fucked up allot of people and allot of shit, it was beyond inhumane and a travesty against mankind.....but it was effective none the less. The Middle East being strategically nuked would for sure quiet things down for a good long time, there is no other conventional way of warfare in that region that will be effective. So since that is not going to happen, we will continue to have our soldiers killed while making no headway or progress. We will open Pandoras box for Al Qaeda to rebuild and gain strength and momentum, and the circle will continue again and again. People are fleeing and relocating in massive numbers, so let "ISRAEL" take advantage of that. Of course I am all for saying to hell with the entire thing, because whatever we do is not gonna make a shit bit of difference. Us striking will cause more harm than good, and us putting boots on the ground "and that will happen" will be more wasted dollars we do not have and more lives we should not be losing. Too many people are suffering over there and things will never get better, might be time to end the suffering. I sure would not want to be the one making that call, but nothing else is going to work for very long. And how do you know there was no rioting, you do not watch the news remember? Was it as violent as MANY thought it would be, thankfully no. For once many individuals kept a level head, no good outcome was gonna occur.....and the authorities were ready unlike the LA riots.
  11. Pokey


    He is just stalling for whatever reason, and he is only doing it to make it "appear" that he is going through the process and proper channels. If the vote comes back as "NO" Barry is still gonna go. There WILL be boots on the ground, we are involving ourselves in a civil war, the only thing that can quiet things down for a while is a tactical nuke. Along with that comes much collateral damage, but boy would that send a message to the bad guys. Israel could demolish them all, but they won't........they want us to do it and for us to lose soldiers and spend our money doing it for them.
  12. Sounds about like my XD9sc....and pretty much all other owners too. That pistol is a keeper, and a keeper to the bitter end.
  13. Pokey


    Been allot of bad shit going down in the Middle East even before written records, nothing has changed......fuck em. None of our business, and not our war.....let Israel wipe them out "if they only would".
  14. There will for sure be a next year.
  15. Not a great choice for concealment, but sure is a nice piece.
  16. Missed you this weekend, should have made a visit to the rally.
  17. Would not worry me in the least bit, no injuries have been reported and has this even occurred? Think about how many XDS have been sold, and of course I am not one to worry about what if's and could be's. Voluntary recall, means they are just covering their ass is all.
  18. Yeah.....to all of ya that said you were coming, were unable to come, planned on coming, or just did not come.........you missed out on a great time. Big thanks to Ben the friendly cracker, was awesome to spend the weekend with ya, so glad you kept coming back and staying till crash time "both days". Looking forward to next year, this was a successful and very fun event all around.
  19. I still feel bad about the Greg!! So great to see you again, and BIG THANKS for being a short order chef this morning. I will bring the crockpot next year, and you can do your magic. Keep in touch, I most certainly hope to see you before this time next year.
  20. Been posted for a bit, guess ya just missed it. Will be going on next year for sure, maybe see you then?
  21. Almost time........looking like a great turnout!!!!
  22. Hell yeah....the road you are on can be very fun and twisty, full of tar snakes and frost heaves.....then the road turns into gravel or chip and seal. This I shit you not!!!!! Yeah Michigan has some bad roads "Michigan sucks" but PA is still by far the worst condition roads I have ventured.
  23. Jbot is one funny motherfucker.....that is a fact. Long live Magdor!!!!!
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