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Posts posted by Jester_

  1. Funny that you post this. For the exact same reasons I am going to make a thread soon putting a feeler to trade my VFR for a sportbike.


    VFR is great, but I feel like I am at the limit or am close to the limit of the bike in the turns. I also want something that would be a little more fun on a track day. I would like to keep it so my wife is a little more comfy while riding, but she really only rides twice a year ish. So looking for a 600cc of some kind.


    Sorry for the side track, I know where you wre coming from. Good luck.

  2. I didnt see this thread until now. I live about 15 minutes from Lisbon. There is a group of us from that area that ride to SE ohio where the good roads are on the weekends. You should join us one of these times.


    For a nice quick ride you should head down 164 to bergholz then ride back. There are plenty of good roads in that area, 646, 164, and 9 are the ones im usually on. 

  3. No love :nono:


    I don't think I've met anyone on OR that I didn't enjoy following. It is all about setting your own pace/riding your own ride. If you chase; no matter how experienced you are, you are increasing the chance of being sucked into a turn and ending up in a ditch.

    hahaha I have more fun following you but I find I push myself a little to follow you. Which I guess is how you get better, but should probably not be done on the street.

    I am just more comfortable following Jerry.

  4. Hope you can make it.

    I should add this would be a good ride if anyone is practicing technique or wanting tips for being smoother/quicker or just looking for group riding experience. The pace won't be 'hot' like many of the SEO rides.

    Wouldnt be a bad idea to have a few SEO rides like this to get some new riders some experience. Maybe have a couple fast guys like UP sweep and give some tips.

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