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Posts posted by Blitz

  1. Looks like we have another rider too, so that makes 4 of us.


    Here's the route I'm thinking:  http://ridewithgps.com/routes/2897309



    Meet at 70 and 13 at 10:30am.  We'll do the first half, which is the Coshocton area and back to route 70.  If we still feel like riding we can do the second half down in Hocking.  The weather is supposed to be perfect, which will be nice after this sweltering weather.  So, we may feel like riding more.  All in all, I think we can do the entire route in 5 hours.  But we'll see how everyone feels when we get to the midpoint.  There are also 2 good pub style hole-in-the-wall restaurants at the halfway point if anyone is hungry.

  2. Sounds good man.

    Lets plan on meeting at the BP at route 70 & 13 at 10:30am on Sunday. If we need to make adjustments, post up and we'll see what works for everyone. I'm thinking a nice Coshocton ride with the detours sounds like fun. I've been down in Hocking a lot this year.

  3. If you guys go Sunday I'll try to make it, I'm shamefully past due for a day ride with you guys. 

    Let's just make it Sunday then.  I think it looks like a better day anyway.


    And yeah man, I have tried to PM you for about a month now and your inbox is filled up.  I'm pretty sure I lost your number too, cause I rooted my phone and some of my contacts weren't backed up.  Would be great if you could get out and ride.  You haven't even seen my new bike yet.  :beating:  

  4. The weather this weekend look to be pretty nice, though Saturday might be a little wet.  I'm hoping to put something together.  Depends on when everyone is available.


    Saturday 81 degrees with a 60% chance for storms.  Sunday 78 degrees with a 20% chance.


    Sunday honestly looks amazing for mid July.  I'll put together a route.  Post up which day works best and we'll see what we can put together.

  5. Get healed up? Did you go down?

    The SuMo sounds pretty slick. What is it? Honda?

    The new roads I found are in areas you ride all the time. If you're on 60 coming into Warsaw from Newark, instead of going right towards the high school, go straight and take the first left. It's county road 22 and 19, but those roads bypass the high school and eventually take you all the way out to 60 again. And they are in excellent condition and lots of fun.....nice medium sweepers and elevation changes.

    Yeah man, any time you want to ride let me know. Good call on the SuMo instead of the lawnmower haha.

  6. Tried this route a couple weeks ago, and due to the detours in the first half we didn't make it to the second half. The detours turned out to be more fun than the route we normally take in Coshocton, so I'm looking forward to running it again.....especially since I know where all the roads are this time.

    Here's the route: http://ridewithgps.com/routes/2718849

    Meet at KFC in Newark at 10:30, kickstands by 10:40 if all goes according to plan. Should be back by 3:30 or 4. This route hits all the good roads in eastern Central Ohio and some near Hocking. When 60 and 78 are on the same route, that's a good day of riding.

    Show your American spirit, your independence from your wives, jobs and dreaded Communism and post up and ride this Sunday!

  7. You can't ride tomorrow afternoon Sean?

    What do you guys have going on Sunday? Planning to put some miles in on Sunday. If you guys are down we could make a pretty good ride out of it.

  8. Well, I think if you can get him down to $500 or $600 it'd be a deal.  A friend of mine recently bought an 07 ZZR in mint for $1800.  So only a thousand bucks less for one that's wrecked isn't too much better.


    Parts are everywhere though.  If you get him down a little, could be a good fixer upper.

  9. Well, probably tomorrow. Wednesday I have some fireworks/cookout at a friends house. And Thursday/Friday I'm camping.

    I plan to ride Sunday, but would like to before than as well.

    I'll be done with school around 3pm tomorrow. We could meet in Reynoldsburg and then head to Newark area.

  10. Ended up leaving around 10:30 and hitting 555, 669, 78, and 83. Stopped for lunch at McConnelsville at the 50's place and slabbed it back home. 


    I got a nifty long green piece of paper on the way back by means of I-70. They're out there if you're going. 


    Sorry to hear that.  I ride 70 every day for work and school, and certainly don't follow limits as I should.  Guess I get lucky or just know where they sit.


    I'm in Westerville almost every day.  Would love to ride any day after work.  Definitely let me know if you're looking for someone to ride with.

  11. Damn, I gotta work.  I work in Westerville so I'll be going the opposite direction.  But I could probably ride after work if you guys want to move it a little later in the day.....

  12. Change of plans for this ride.


    Meet at 9am at the BP at 13 and 70.  Just going to ride Hocking.  669, 78 McConnelsville area.  Didn't have any takers so I'll have to try the river route again some other time.

    Plan is to be back by 2pm.

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