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Posts posted by Blitz

  1. Whether it's heavy trucks, harsh winters, or not enough money (in my mind it's none of the above), Ohio roads are some of the worst that I've been on.

    It's not the winters either. Iowa has far worse Winters than we do and their roads are smooth and solid everywhere. Very few potholes. I don't know what it is about Ohio roads, but 75% of them are potholed, crumbling and extremely hard on vehicles. It seems to me that the problem is the materials Ohio uses to construct roads that is the problem.

    There is a test patch of road between Delaware and Marion that has been in good shape for years. I don't know why they don't change the material they use to make roadways because there are states that do it far better than we do.

    We pay income taxes, gas taxes, and still have to have an alignment 4 times a year. Guess it keeps the auto service industry making money....but I can't help but thinking it would be beneficial for the economy if consumers could spend that money elsewhere instead of on vehicle repairs.

    Anyone have any idea why Ohio roads are so bad compared to elsewhere in the US?

  2. 520 is my favorite road in the "Coshocton" area. After riding halfway down it and having to take horrible detours multiple times this summer, it is back open and in great condition.

    Get out there and check out this great road, while there are still some good riding days left this season.

  3. I heard from someone that saw it firsthand, who has actually decided to sell his bike due to what he saw.

    Said the rider was riding on the shoulder and weaving in and out of cars, when he lost it. He said he literally wrapped it around a guardrail. Nothing left of the bike. The guy who rides that saw it firsthand said it was so bad immediately, that they didn't want to stop because they knew he was done. And his girlfriend with him was just shaking.

    Sad stuff, but it sounds like it could have been avoided. Rider error and lack of respect for the machine you're on and traffic around you. Prayers for the family and friends.

  4. Little bit of a change in plans.....some of it due to Hutch's tentativeness. I'm meeting some guys in Columbus and were going to ride this route backwards. So we're meeting at Blocks deli at Main and McNaughton at 11:30 and should be near KFC in Newark by 12:30 or 12:45.

    From there we'll head up 79 to 541 and then head South down 83 to 78 to McConnelsville. Then 669 North and home.

    Hope to see you guys in the am.

  5. Meet at BP on route 70 and 13 at 11:00am.


    Address of meetup: 10638 Jacksontown Rd

                                     I-70 exit 132

                                     Thornville, Ohio


    Kickstands by 11:15.  We'll head down 668 and then ride 93 (I think...I know the route but not 100% on this road) to 216 to 78.  Stop in McConnelsville for fuel and there's a sub shop close-by if people are hungry.  Then we'll ride 78 (best road in Ohio in my opinion) to 284 (which I have never been on but have heard is great) and then 83 to 93 to Coshocton and 541 and 79 back to Nerk.


    Trip is around 170 miles, pace will be quick but we wait for everyone.  Join up...should be a blast and the weather is supposed to be beautiful.  Much better than last Sunday.


    Here's a link to the route:


  6. I just disagree. What was going through that mans mind as he was being beaten by two juveniles with flashlights at the end of his life? "I made it to Okinawa and back, fighting for not only a free-America, but a free world, to die like this?" The fact that he's a WWII vet is pertinent, and important. He deserved respect and he was beaten like a dog.

    If him being a veteran doesn't matter, then news outlets should in turn stop reporting when soldiers die on the battlefield. Just another dead human....right? People die every day.

    • Upvote 1
  7. How is the fact that the man murdered was a WWII veteran "irrelevant"?  Now you're adjusting you're argument to prove your first talking point: We're all fools for having a visceral reaction to a media story.  Which by the way, is stated in a manner that seems to say "anyone that falls for the manipulating medias stories of violence and sorrow is gullible and unable to discern important from unimportant, but you don't fall for those tricks and are somehow, therefore better."


    Seems like an excuse to not pay attention, or better yet a reason to be uninformed.  Sweet dude....


    When the fact that the man was a WWII vet becomes irrelevant, that's the same time we are all simply SSN numbers and statistics.  Nobody can make that argument and back it up intelligently.

    • Upvote 1
  8. Congratulations, you have achieved the intended emotional response... News media thrives on fear and outrage.



    Your comment is more than a little confusing.  Did you only read the last two word of my post? 


    If the news media was intending to provoke fear and outrage with this article, it would seem to be a good idea for them to identify the attackers race.  I'm not saying the news media doesn't thrive on fear and outrage.  But in this case they are intentionally leaving out facts because they have an agenda.

    • Upvote 1
  9. We don't wheelie. Our rides are a ride your own pace kind of thing. We wait at intersections. No pressure to keep up. It's up to you man, but you're not going to hold us up...and are welcome to join.

    He sold his 1000rr for a supermoto.

  10. He was way out of shape going into that right hander. He should have been in the left hand side of the lane. If he'd have been there, he would have hit the apex, leaving him in a better position to go back to the left. He left himself with nowhere to go.

    He had a bad day, losing his cell phone too.... Oh well. A learning experience for sure. Glad he was ok. His gear saved his ass.

    Yeah....I didn't think 669 would be dry either. Glad it was though. I got a good hours worth of riding up and down it while it rained all around me. Definitely plan to ride mid-week sometime. Maybe Tuesday morning..... Hutch, Dan, you guys have plans Tuesday morning?

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