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Posts posted by Blitz

  1. Yeah, my tuna melt this morning was the shit.

    Good ride minus the rain on 78.  I took 669 home and it was dry as a bone.  So I turned around and rode it back and forth.  Really wish the rain would have held out cause I was wanting to ride till dark today.  But oh well.  Good to get out for a little while.  Catch you next time Dan.  You have my number if you're free to ride any time during the week.

  2. Fast paced ride tomorrow leaving from Columbus and most likely heading South.  Meeting at Block's Deli (Main and McNaughton) at 11:30, may grab a sandwich before heading out.  I'm meeting a group of guys I ride with there, so I tend to have to go with the flow as far as schedule.  But the intent is to meet there at 11:30 and head South.


    Take advantage of the beautiful weather while it lasts!



  3. http://ridewithgps.com/routes/2730797


    It's mainly out 78 and then it splits off and goes down to the river.  But it looks like that part is the best part.  I've been wanting to do this route all Summer.  I figure if we get out to a certain point and realize we want to get back, we can just turn around and head back.  Many good roads in the area.


    11 should work for me, but I don't need to be back at any certain time.  I was really thinking I'd get some riding in this weekend.

  4. 520 was closed yesterday. Most of 60 and 62 seemed to be fine. 206 was open as well.  715 is closed and boy is that just crazy. I'll create another thread about that later today and add pictures. The pictures are amazing. Never seen anything like it.  "High Water" may be the greatest understatement I've ever seen.




    I'd like to see those pictures.  We rode through there last week and it looked like the water was over some of the bridges down there....and in some places like it was an inland lake.  It was really strange to see trees a mile away from the river halfway covered in river mud.

  5. Damn....I don't know what I'd do if I saw Brent on a ride.  Crazy.  I'm 50/50.  I don't know if I can get the day away from the woman.  We closed on a house on Thursday and are supposed to move some stuff.  So, I'll be there if I can.  But I can't say for sure.

  6. Yep Connie is exactly right.  I heard it on the radio a couple months ago.  They say that it has significantly reduced traffic accidents due to wet and slippery on/off ramps.  I think it's ridiculous and it makes it impossible to get any kind of confidence that there is traction for a bike.  But like was already said, ODOT doesn't give a shit about bikes.  Sometimes I think we don't even exist.

  7. I'd post this in the stolen bike category, but I thought the story (and the bike) warranted a little extra attention.  If the mods want it moved, feel free. 


    These scumbags are lurking in the shadows, watching as you put your ride away for the night, waiting to pounce.  Should be strung up by their nutsacks with a hot tire in their face and someone revving the engine waiting to drop the clutch.


  8. are you under 20?  The reason I'm asking is cause it sounds like you want facts to fit your wants. 


    you guys slay me with the whole "its safer to filter" mentality. 


    How is it safer? How does decreasing your distance between cagers who dont see you in the first place increase your safety?

    How does increasing your speed compared to those same blind cagers increase safety?

    I dont get your logic, you said Think about the idiots on phones, texting, fiddling with the radio, cleaning up the debris from their lunch and wiping the kid's mouth, so you want to decrease your distance and reaction times?

    All I am asking for is definitive proof, not a gut feeling. Haven't seen it- What I have seen is an emotional increase in this topic. 

    I see lots of references about Cali, show me some stats from the Mecca of filtering and I'll believe 


    Read the OP.  4 accidents out of 921 total when rider involved in lane splitting.  26 when rider was stopped and hit from behind.  And those stats are from Europe.....the Mecca of filtering.

  9. No it is not specifically illegal. They get you on improper lane usage....stuff like that. In California it is not specifically legal either. It all started years ago when the chief of CHP said publicly that there was nothing wrong with it and his officers would no longer hassle people for it.

    It was a law that was previously ignored in California, but they recently legalized it citing studies of traffic and rider safety.


  10. Yeah.....good ride guys.  I can't believe how fast you are in the corners on that thing Hutch.  It's wild to see you throw that thing around. 

    Had fun.....Thursday looks to be fun too.  My girlfriend and I are closing on a house so whether I ride or not depends on that to an extent.  But count me in tentatively.

  11. Thanks for all the tips guys.  Dizzle Dan met Hutch and I to ride this morning and brought his chain tool along as a present for me....to borrow.  Thanks again Dan.  Much appreciated.


    I had a guy that rides track days at Mid-Ohio every week tell me to go the clip-on route and says he puts a little silicone on it for added security.  So that's an option I guess.  But it is nice to have the right tool for the job!

  12. Yeah, I plan to invest in one. I had a nice motion pro breaker and riveting set, but left it in an ex-girlfriends garage, and that's about all I miss from that relationship. I'm just tight on funds at the moment so I thought I'd ask. If I were to break it, I'd buy a replacement.

    And yeah, 1800 miles is the definition of "out of pocket". :)

  13. Anyone have a chain tool I could borrow for a day? I just bought and mounted two new tires and in the process realized I also need a new rear sprocket. So I'm going to do both sprockets and the chain at the same time.....but I've used up most of my bike repair budget for the month at this point.

    If I could borrow a chain tool for 24 hours, I'd greatly appreciate it. I live near Newark but I work in Columbus. I'd just need it for a day and would return it promptly. Many thanks to anyone willing to loan out a tool to a stranger. I assure you, I'm good for it.

  14. I've had some issues when taking my bikes to IP, but they've always fixed them and I left with the bike running better than before (in the long run).  IP isn't cheap, but I think they do the work correctly, and if they don't get it the first time they will before all is said and done.


    If the clutch is bad, it was probably bad when it was taken in.  If it's something they did, they'll fix it.  That's been my experience.

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