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Al Z. Heimer

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Posts posted by Al Z. Heimer

  1. hope you guys put in some miles today, awesome weather up here. Me and jerry spent about 4 hours on the saddle. that guy knows all the back roads, went thru some which was way better than other roads.

    We shud do this route again with others if they are interested in lets say a spirited cruise and not break neck bash.

    No I don't. I just got lucky. Next time I'm bringing the Super Hawk so I can keep up. I am also ashamed of myself. I don't think that I have ever killed so many bugs in a 45 minute period in my entire life.

  2. Was how safe is it to ride with high speed wind prediction? For eg tomorrow they say it might be around 20mph wind, how much of windy condition you guys ventured out ?
    20MPH is basically nothing to worry about. Actually will be a good training aid for you. What all these guys said is true----that you lean into the wind. What you should know is you don't try and lean the bike---you countersteer and the bike will lean automatically. Hence the stronger the wind--the more countersteer--the more lean. Remember what I told you--work on your countersteering and finally it will be second nature. Now wind gusts are another animal. A quick countersteer is needed to stay in your lane. Try to do by just leaning----------------Ditch City.
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XhRPLgH6uZg What you need to do is perform a voltage drop test to test your starting circuit. Like the video says,you have to start with a known good battery.Just remember----the test alone at pos. term. on battery involves 4 tests----lug on battery for base voltage,fastener,eyelet on cable and cable itself. do this at every connection. When finished,do the same test on the neg. side. hope this helps. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yV5wdGtP34o Some good info on this vid also.
  4. http://gearchic.com/

    I wanted to take the msf course last summer but I fractured my tailbone. I am planning on taking it this year. It cost $100 here. Need to get a new helmet and some boots. I left those behind when I divorced. And does anyone have a source for gear for petite women. I wear a size 2 petite and have never been able to find gear that fits, sleeves and pants are always way too long.

    Welcome! Try surfing this site for gear info...It may help!

  5. Good to hear everyone made it home safely. I woke up with some really bad stomach cramps and didn't start feeling well until about 2 PM.

    I took the Duc out for a spin down on 212/39/542/212 after I was able to eat something just to get some fresh air and lost the right side fairing in probably the most freakish way. It flew off of the bike barely missing my head on I-77 North near the Portage exit. It is now lying in itty bitty pieces on the shoulder.....whiskey tango foxtrot.

    I use to have the same problem>>>>>>>>>>>>after I went thru menopause the cramps went away. Until then............More fiber.

  6. Wow I took the dogs out about 5:00 a.m., it is gonna be a cold one...maybe I should ride the Ninja instead of the S3, nah, adds to the fun...

    I do have the under tail exhaust on it though, maybe that will help some...yeah right!

    Keep the cajolies warm so they rattle and you won't think you need a valve adjustment :D

  7. Any ones welcOme, do come alOng James, hope other cruisers join up sobi don't feel like the Odd man out. If I am on my new bike I will be slow as a sick horse buggy

    So............Are we bringing the Silver Streak? Sounds like it.

  8. Ive had dirt bikes, motorcrossers, standards, sport tourers, sport, and cruisers. Sometimes slow and easy feels good, and others hard and fast fits the bill. If it has 2 wheels its cool. Lots of different flavors.
    Exactaly,,,,,,,,,,,,Just like SEX :D but then again someone seems to think I may have ED :eek:.
  9. Is that because they cant drive in a straight line?

    No..................It's because I hate to drive in a straight line:D. Gas up that Ninja and come to the NEO ride Sat. and join us for a good time. No I'm not fast but I am old.

  10. Old people shouldnt be driving cars, let alone bikes... My dad is 50ish and scares the.shit out of he when he.drives..... How the hell can he not drive a straight line doing 20mph under the posted speed limit... And I dont even want to think about how he drives my bike, thats a scary thought...

    Excuse me probee :confused:, Not quite sure as to why you think I should park my wheels :rolleyes: ?

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