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Everything posted by baptizo

  1. I've never heard of it. And yeah, this probably wasn't thought through very well (if it is actually true) in our current Oligarchy, police state of a fucked nation even though we gun owners clearly outnumber the limp dicks with badges....especially the BLM fucktards out west.
  2. Latest acquisition is a Kavod "Bet" 5.56 with some nice mod's: Kavod Two-Stage Trigger, MAGPUL MOE RVG, Ambidextrous Safety Selector, MAGPUL B.A.D. lever, H2 Heavy Carbine Buffer upgrade, Stag compensator.
  3. baptizo

    KVD00041 (2)

    From the album: Misc.

    Kavod "Bet" 5.56 with some nice mod's - Kavod Two-Stage Trigger, MAGPUL MOE RVG, Ambidextrous Safety Selector, MAGPUL B.A.D. lever, H2 Heavy Carbine Buffer upgrade.
  4. baptizo

    KVD00041 (1)

    From the album: Misc.

    Kavod "Bet" 5.56 with some nice mod's - Kavod Two-Stage Trigger, MAGPUL MOE RVG, Ambidextrous Safety Selector, MAGPUL B.A.D. lever, H2 Heavy Carbine Buffer upgrade.
  5. Did I mention owning a PS Move for my PS3? No, I did not but the 360's Kinect IS a piece of shit, fanboy. Unlike yourself, I've had two of them and actually used them to no avail.
  6. I'm not a huge fan of playing Madden online but I might be willing to let you abuse me for a game or two. Just be gentle, please.
  7. Yep, been there, done that...wait until you get on BF4.
  8. hee hee, I thought it might have been you when I got your FR on PSN. Welcome to the dark side.
  9. It is supposed to be a server side issue which thankfully has happened very little since the patch last Tuesday but I can't say it fixed anything else as advertised, though. Lots of threads about this and the other issues in the game are over on the BLog forums.
  10. Grape: Check Gamestop, they sent out an email stating they have PS4's in stock, again, and Amazon is another good option. PSN: baptizo And I only play BF4 online at the moment solo (predominately as a recon), everyday after work and weekends for a couple of hours or until I rage quit from all of the hit detection/OHK/net code/etc. glitches in the game.
  11. Sam, hate is strong word and is not my feelings towards him as person but his worldview and attitude. Maybe you'll get this, maybe you won't, but I won't stop putting him in his place until he either gets a fucking clue about the reality of the world around him or shuts the fuck up with the stupid libtard nonsense. As for calling me a contard, you can kindly go fuck yourself with a screwdriver in the eye, too.
  12. The Magtard is an immature, self-centered, opinionated libtard troll. He will never get my respect for the blatant and idiotic stuff he's posted about our fallen soldiers - he can go fuck himself in the eyeball with a screwdriver. And I'm looking forward to his Douchiness giving me neg rep - again - for saying so; it's all his little immature ass can do here to defend his precious little ego.
  13. Based on the mentality of this collective I'm a hillbilly because I choose to wear mil-spec cargo pants every single day for work. This is good to know since I consider being a hillbilly a good thing (even though I don't know how to dress a deer) vs. being a metrosexual fucktard. Too funny.
  14. The Kinect for my 360 is the biggest POS but that isn't why I won't buy an xbone.....my PS4 is doing just fine.
  15. I have no problem with what or how he said it. He's a Christian and has the right to say what he wants just like the libtard's who get their dicks and pussies in a twist whenever someone says something non-PC and acceptable to their fucked up gay agenda. Fucking libtard speech nazi's - welcome to the New America.
  16. Check out Amazon, they might have them still available (they were last week).
  17. Cool, a PM has been sent, Brian. And I wouldn't say they were easy, per se, since I had to use more than one source to verify I had the right information.
  18. 1) '61 Diana 250 2) '63 Apollo, "L" engine (4 cyl. 90 degree V), 1257 cc.
  19. There is an option under Gallery via your profile that gives you the option to delete photos (not sure if it applies to an entire album or individual photos). NWS = pay to play
  20. Yeah, it ain't happening and I know from experience. Suck it up, buttercup.
  21. I've seen them all, own them all, and enjoyed each of them for what is was - sheer entertainment for car nuts. Paul, as a person and an actor, will be missed.
  22. By title only - the man's earlier associations and church say otherwise. Anyone who has been around real Christians and pew warmers knows the difference.
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