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Everything posted by baptizo

  1. I agree, there is rhetoric from both sides but nothing definitive and it's too early in the investigation to lock down a guilty party.
  2. Early reports have been conflicting on who might have done this but the most recent links I've found via RT are indicating the Kiev regime as the possible guilty party. Another report is stating that Putin's aircraft may have been the intended target.
  3. I'm probably going with the PA 4-14X44 Mil Mil FFP scope for my AR but it's not considered pricey at $229.99 and has had really good reviews. https://www.primaryarms.com/Primary_Arms_4_14X44_FFP_Scope_p/pa4-14xffp.htm
  4. Bad, you're a funny guy but stop drinking the NEO Kool-Aid.
  5. I read his letter to NEO and wasn't impressed...wgaf.
  6. I'm almost one year away from being 50....holy fuck.
  7. I'm with Cheech on the potential clusterfuck of insanity to ensue in the Mistake on the Lake.
  8. Howdy and I hope you're having a grand 'ol Dependence Weekend.
  9. Your arguments and fears are unfounded and based solely on the bullshit you've heard from our glorious media and tyrannical government justifying their "war on drugs" which is really a war on our civil liberties and has been from the start. Why don't you put forth some effort to educate yourself and get informed about drug use, our oppressive drug laws, and how at least one country who has decriminalized drug use has been successful - Portugal - even though it is far from a perfect approach much less free of oppression for users and alleged dealers. http://www.spiegel.de/international/europe/evaluating-drug-decriminalization-in-portugal-12-years-later-a-891060.html
  10. That is what I thought was the case here but on another site an AZ resident claimed it is required to show ID if asked and linked the site I had provided (didn't read too much of the details on it) but after reading it more thoroughly, that in fact is not the case.
  11. Welcome to OR from a fellow NEO rider.
  12. Welcome and seriously consider the SV650....learn on it before you step up to something like a V-Max.
  13. Wear your gear and be safe out there.
  14. I understand that AZ is a "Stop and Identify" state and so is OH according to this website, so she was required to show her ID or be arrested (officers discretion, I'd hope): http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stop_and_identify_statutes Personally, if the po-po get in your face about something, your best bet is to shut up and comply. You can deal with any legal problems related to it at a later date with your lawyer's assistance.
  15. George Washington would win, IMHO, and I'll give a nod to the Socialist Teddy as a runner-up candidate.
  16. A crazy Canuck is here to buy our bikes!!! Welcome, and I hope you find what you're looking for.
  17. http://www.bizpacreview.com/2014/06/29/shooters-grill-staff-packing-six-shooters-while-serving-burgers-second-amendment-style-128652 Photo credit: Shooters Grill Facebook page While establishments around the country are setting up gun-free zones, one Colorado restaurant is welcoming customers who are packing – and they’re waited on by armed servers. The restaurant’s name: Shooters Grill, located in the gun-friendly town of Rifle. Waitress Ashlee Saenz serves customers with a loaded Ruger .357 Blackhawk handgun holstered to her leg, Old West-style,and she knows how to use it, she told the Post Independent. “Guns are welcome on premises,” a sign on Shooter’s front door says. “Please keep all weapons holstered, unless the need arises. In such cases, judicious marksmanship is appreciated.” Shooters owner Lauren Boebert called herself a strong supporter of the Second Amendment. “We encourage it, and the customers love that they can come here and express their rights,” Boebert told the Post. “This country was founded on our freedom. People can come in carrying their gun, and they can pray over their food.” News anchor scolded by co-host for turning into a horn dog on-air over colleague’s bikini Boebert and her husband, Jayson, opened the Western-themed restaurant a little more than a year ago. Its menu features American and Mexican food. Alcohol is not in the offing, and the décor and philosophy reflect Boebert’s strong faith.. “I consulted with my Christian friends, and everyone said ‘Shooters’ sounded like a bar or a strip joint,” she said. “But I thought, this is Rifle — it was founded around guns and the Old West. We called it Shooters and started throwing guns and Jesus all over the place.” The restaurant offers training classes every other month so participants can qualify for a concealed carry permit in Colorado and Utah. The sessions even include dinner. In a town with a low crime rate, Police Chief John Dyer told the Post he likes Shooters’ business model. “If it was a bar, I might be saying something different. But I have no problem with it,” he said. “And besides, they make a really good burger.” From left, Shooters staffers Ashlee Saenz, owner Lauren Boebert, Jessie Spaulding and Dusty Sheets stand in front of the business in their work attire. Photo credit: Christopher Mullen / Post Independent
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