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Everything posted by baptizo

  1. I see the Magtard is up to his immature nonsense, again, giving out neg rep for having an opinion. Grow up, fucktard. As for the mother not knowing - it's more like she was seriously deluded about the whole thing like most parents are when their kids are fucked up.
  2. I'm waiting until next month to get a xbone but since BF4 is screwed up on both consoles, it's not a major issue to get one anytime soon.
  3. WV didn't accept all of them back in '09 when I got mine back there and I also got the PA non-rez from Centre County for $25 back when you could do it via mail.
  4. I have OTA for local TV and football, buy blu-ray movies via VUDU, Amazon for their Prime free stuff, a Roku I hardly ever use anymore, and a Chromecast for watching Youtube videos on my TV. I dropped Netflix since I couldn't find anything to watch, and don't care for Hulu. Screw cable TV....I only need their internet service for streaming and playing games online (BF4, COD-G, NFS-Rivals on my PS4).
  5. Damn, those look sick - too bad they won't fit on my '09 Ram. GLWS.
  6. My God, what a bunch of stupid fucktards and that includes the officer who thought it was a good idea to fire his weapon at the fleeing vehicle. Let me guess, he was upset because they weren't allowed to take them in for cavity searches for drugs which is SOP for NM cops?
  7. I was expecting a different story.....
  8. I've seen the utube vid's about the PC play and of course, the issues with the servers (and suspected netcode) - they still haven't been resolved? Unreal. I gave up on the 360 version like two weeks ago.
  9. I've seen the utube vid's about the PC play and of course, the issues with the servers - they still haven't been resolved? Unreal. I gave up on the 360 version like two weeks ago.
  10. Bad, I think you're a Madden fan like myself and aside from the amazing graphics/improved gameplay with the PS4 version (should be identical on the X1), I just discovered something I didn't expect. Yesterday I was playing one of my created guys - a QB - and the game froze up late in the 4th qtr on a scoring drive. Typically, that means everything is lost, right? Nope, not with the new gen console - my game was saved in-game and I picked up right where it left it off!!! Now, that is the first good news I've had with this damn PS4 after getting booted from more BF4 servers.
  11. I'm getting a X1 eventually but the only games I play online are BF and COD - COD has been smooth as hell, no complaints. BF4 has been a disaster and I only just got online tonight after it telling me for 3 days that I needed to activate my PSN+ account (it has been since Friday). I think Sony fubar'ed part of it but the BF4 launch on the 360/PC/PS3 was a total fubar'ed POS (and might still be) but the PS4 version on a whole different level of pathetic.
  12. I sure as hell thought of doing exactly that to it on Friday.
  13. Okay, it's been a few days since launch - has anyone picked up a PS4? Mine came via Amazon but had all of my games and extra controller early from them. --------------------------------- What are your impressions? Mine: Graphically amazing with an okay interface but the launch was a fucking fubar'ed mess and BF4 was the worst on this one than it was on the 360. I had to install the 1.50 launch date update via my USB stick. I just got online tonight for the first time in BF4 and it was 50/50 getting into a stable server (forget about Conquest, it isn't working). Ghosts, OTOH, has been a blast both on the PS4 and 360.
  14. No mention of the race of the gang bangers.....figures. The French should add C-Bus to their no travel list alongside Cleveland.
  15. Impeachment won't be possible thanks to the Dem's and RINO's working in cahoots with one another politically. The man can do whatever he wants with impunity including making up shit as he goes along (ACA is a perfect example).
  16. backdoor tyranny = apropos description.
  17. baptizo

    Meth Lab

    That's some funny shit with the VZW stuff. Sounds familiar.
  18. I have only one CC and it is from my employer - work related expenses only. If I don't have the cash I don't buy it.
  19. The lesson I've learned is it is better to gift a certain amount vs. loaning money to a family member (or a good friend) because in most cases, they won't pay you back.
  20. baptizo


    From the album: Misc.

  21. Okay, so I couldn't wait to mod the ugly AK74 - Ultimak upper rail gas tube, MFT polymer lower (modified to fit), Magpul AFG, Hogue grip, VLTOR AK receiver extension w/ Magpul CTR.
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