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Everything posted by baptizo

  1. I did my training last year in Canton and will need another renewal in '13 but will try to do it with the local FD in Uniontown.
  2. Damn, Morgan Freeman said that? I agree 100%.
  3. Unfortunately, despite so many of these tragedies having had a mental illness associated with them in just the past year alone, I'm afraid it will only be the guns that will receive the MSM's attention (and Obama who has already mentioned it in his "teary" acknowledgement earlier).
  4. What an unimaginable horror and to target children is simply an evil that I cannot fathom. This is a very sad day for all of us and my heart goes out to all of the victims and their families.
  5. Mine has the 302 in it and while not lacking for power, it isn't quite the runner the Ecoboost is in that video. I'm also only get 15.7 mpg overall which is probably 3-4 less than you're getting with the Ecoboost.
  6. I think I want an Ecoboost now.
  7. Maybe it's an SVT version of the Fusion...
  8. I really missed having Google Maps!
  9. The local provider in that area is Mountaineer Gas Company but the line very well could be owned by Columbia Gas.
  10. Holy shit, I used to live like 5 miles from that exit and drove down that section of I-77 almost everyday!!! And was there last month on Election day....like they say, timing is everything.
  11. baptizo


    Wow, what a hodgepodge POS - to each their own, I guess.
  12. I'll stick with my 996 L-Twin for the interim (and prefer liter bikes) but the OP has a valid point about the lack of 750 selections in the market place.
  13. the M590A1 is the military Mossy: If you can find one with the ghost sites (mine didn't come with them), you'll have a sweet shotty for about $450 - prices vary.
  14. What about a Mossy M590A1?
  15. Goodell is the definition of a m-o-r-o-n.
  16. Dumb? Make your own informed decision before calling it dumb.....below is a link to the designer's website: http://defensedistributed.com/ Here is a detailed write-up of the weapon pre & post-failure (they admit the buffer ring was a weak point): http://defdist.tumblr.com/post/37023487585/printed-reinforced-ar-lower-review
  17. The second guy in this video is active on another forum I frequent quite often and what they're trying to develop here is really neat - check it out. "Test firing a printed (ABS-like Objet photopolymer) AR receiver in 5.7x28FN. Lower max PSI than .223, but broke the buffer tube ring within six rounds". http://www.wired.com/dangerroom/2012/12/weaponeers/
  18. Man, I've tried to like Mountain House concoctions and honestly, it's like eating wet cardboard. I need to find a good source for MRE's and stick with what I know will suffice for sustenance on the move.
  19. You can move fast with a 75 # ruck - been there, done that for years in the military. You can also live out of a poncho hooch for weeks (two ponchos, 550 cord is all that is needed), if necessary, in decent weather (never used one in the snow, though).
  20. I have two Alice's left over from my service days and didn't know about the Hellcat mod's. I've rucked for what seems like several hundred miles with the Alice rucks and yep, the straps can hurt like hell after a long ruck plus the center of the frame can wear a hole in your back - I've still got the scar to prove it from SFAS.
  21. FogX will help - I use it on the windows of my FSB due to the defroster being pretty much non-functional.
  22. I have a USMC type ILBE ruck setup for 3 days of zombieville.
  23. I've picked up some Otis O85 ultra bore solvent recently along with one of their cleaning kits but have been a fan of CLP and Hoppes in the past.
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