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Everything posted by baptizo

  1. It's free but the latest update automatically opens up a tab for the Ad Blocker Plus (beta) which prompted me to delete it until they fix it - very annoying.
  2. I went through the same decision making process last month and opted for a 55" Panasonic ST55 Plasma. Of course, the sale price at the time helped but it's a really nice upgrade from my LCD Visio. Blu-ray movies are amazing, OTA viewing is so much better than cable, and video games are fantastic but I haven't tried out the 3D yet. I used the settings listed on CNET to setup the picture quality and it's pretty darn good - way better than the default settings which weren't all that great, actually they sucked, to be honest. Also, the newer plasma's don't heat up like the older one's and have improved with respect to energy consumption - not on par with an LED but still an improvement.
  3. I use it 100% on XP and Ubuntu with very few issues with only one extension (removed ad blocker beta after their latest update).
  4. So, I take it you're out in the field today down your way?
  5. I've accessed the site via my iPhone a few times but 99% of the time it's via my laptop.
  6. Lots of wind & rain here in NEO with Cuyahoga County looking like the hardest hit - we got off easy compared to the rest of the NE. Got a call last night about an outage at a site in Cleveland but we're on orders to stay put until the winds die down so I'm working from home.
  7. IDK if this has been posted but it helps to find a good pair of shoes matched to your motion mechanics: http://www.runnersworld.com/shoeadvisor
  8. I've upgraded to the latest version on my Lenovo T61 and it's very smooth but not necessarily an improvement over the previous version (harder to navigate) - but I still prefer XP''s ease of use and simplicity. I also have W7 Enterprise on my work laptop and it loads faster than ubuntu but is otherwise glitchy with the programs my employer requires us to use. And oddly enough, the back button stops working on the IE browser quite frequently. Other than a few glitches with the software, it's a very good OS and I'm thinking about a newer laptop with W7 to use with WMC with my 360.
  9. Hey, another Duc rider - welcome!
  10. Welcome to the madness!
  11. Late or not to the show....welcome to the madness!
  12. Yeah, it's make you wonder how it'll turn out since they're claiming the perp was unarmed but lunged at the homeowner.
  13. I'm wondering about this, too, since aside from F1 it's the only racing I watch regularly.
  14. OMG, I was just going to post this......too funny and to think......these morons vote!
  15. I just picked up a 55" Panasonic plasma at Best Buy and was looking at the Klipsch sound bars.
  16. I looked around recently myself when I needed new tires for my Ram after not having to buy tires for a few years (no longer have my contact available back in WV, either). I ended up buying from Sears in N. Canton but only because they were able to locate a set of Cooper's that a couple of other places up in Uniontown/Green couldn't. There is a new Conrad's on 241 in Green but I can't say one way or the other if they have good prices but they were running a grand opening sale recently.
  17. Here's my speed after upgrading to TWC Extreme:
  18. baptizo

    More LEOs?

    I spend most of my week in Cleveland and Akron/Canton but I can't readily say I've seen anymore LEO's than usual. Heck, even the typical speed traps haven't been around for a couple of weeks now on Hwy. 8, I-77, and I-71.
  19. I'm installing it on the 4 right now.
  20. Glad to hear you and everyone else is okay! I've had a few auto accidents in my younger days but never had an issue getting back behind the wheel. The one bad motorcycle accident I had, however, did affect me mentally for a spell but I knew I had to get back on the bike or I'd never ride again. It took a few weeks to work through everything emotionally but I kept riding and the worries disappeared. Time is really your best friend with stuff like this and of course, facing your fears head-on.
  21. Yes, I recall from my time in the Army the 19th can send you to Ft. Bragg (I remember a few went through the same time I was there for 18E) but I'm not familiar with any SF NG units here in Ohio. SFAS is no joke so if this is what you're considering, you'll need to be in the best shape of your life for what is now 2 weeks of H-E-L-L (it was 3 weeks back in '92 when I finished it). Get used to carrying a 70# ruck, learn land nav in your sleep, and get a better score on your ASVAB to name just a couple areas to address.
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