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Dying Shadow

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Everything posted by Dying Shadow

  1. Was gonna try to get a hocking trip going after the gap event... so keep a eye out.
  2. that was u lol was nice too meet ya even for a sec.
  3. u get those cut yet jig saw boy lol
  4. sexy legs lol also u suck and how's the weather
  5. so is this pool open at night or not even worth bringing trunks??
  6. just think of all the sexy ass chicks you could fit in the back of that beast man!!!!!!
  7. Dying Shadow


    y u so mean see at the gap mane
  8. Dying Shadow


    it aint got shit son!!!!!!!!
  9. Ghay.................who want to hang out with u.
  10. me too who u rooming with? Too lazy to check the front
  11. I think were leaving at 530 so I guess will be extremely early. And I'm down for a newb sauce ride.
  12. So all in all who all is going that is a newb besides me and Karl?
  13. it said you were reading this topic too so I figured I'd say hi. How's the herps going?
  14. Good old 555 lol that's were I got this sweet pic as my avatar:) just take a buddy with ya.
  15. Dying Shadow


    I love my taco!!!!!!!!! It fits my needs perfectly. It was that or a Tundra but gas would suck.
  16. Dying Shadow


    Adrian will pay ya hahahahhahahahah and shit ill already be going down the road on my bike Ill just ruff it for a few days lol
  17. Dying Shadow


    fuck well if worst comes to worst How would you all think my taco would pull that???? You all got me worrying
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