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Dying Shadow

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Everything posted by Dying Shadow

  1. I gotta be at work no later than 9:15 i mean pulling in to said place. So depends on were said group rides to. But ill see ya at the spot wed.
  2. Thats the group i seen hard to miss that bright pink gsxr lol
  3. I seen that people need to pay attention!!!
  4. Yea thats the group i seen, seen ya to. You go a pretty loud pipe.
  5. Buckeye4life where you riding down town Saturday right after the game? There was a big group of bikes one was bright pink but one looked like yours in your pic.
  6. Im close to hillard if you wanna meet up
  7. Where do you guys meet at might go to the next one, ive never been to one.
  8. Ill be there! Unless work calls:(
  9. You too tim. Good riding with you, thanks for leading.
  10. I can bring my hero 2 and get vid of people.
  11. Im coming from west broad gonna jump on 70 if anyone wanted to come along near me.
  12. Im on the west side, west broad. 5 min from dtm. Ill pm u my #
  13. Im down, i get off at 8am. When where?
  14. Sounds like fun im in for now.
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