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Dying Shadow

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Everything posted by Dying Shadow

  1. Thinking about it bro, meet time/duration of ride? I gotta work that night and need some sleep.
  2. That was sweet!! Big thanks to you and dizzle for making the vids.
  3. Link no working(scratch that my phone no working) lol
  4. lll check the radar. Let's call it 9 pm 7/11 and taco hell.
  5. You wanna meet 7/11? that's what i told ryan.
  6. Good to hear your ok. What kinda gear you have on by the way if you don't mind.
  7. I used to have a ten point:(. I need to carry a spare in my pack.
  8. Walked a half hour to my tree, put my stand up and got settled....Fuck forgot my damn release well this sucks.
  9. Gonna cut a load of fire would then head out around 4 to giver another try.
  10. Just got back, they must not be moving down here in sugar grove.
  11. I love great advise:shortbus:
  12. That's the best shit I've heard all day!!
  13. It's never over, just wear more clothes/gear.
  14. Ill ride with ya even if its later! Just let me know i aint gotta go to work till midnight
  15. My buddy just sent me the route it. Gonna pick him up at valero down at rckbrige374-664-56 down to Athens-550-377-78-391- back to 56
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