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Dying Shadow

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Everything posted by Dying Shadow

  1. Ello, nice white dragons got one on my arm
  2. Need a front tire pirelli angel st. 06 ninja 650r u carry them if so price? Thx.

  3. Me to sucks the little girl turned in to a walker
  4. Agreed with txting and driving I don't do it had a close call with semi still cleaning my pants.
  5. My bad didn't know the suv driver was drunk
  6. Dumb kids need to take there slow cars to the strip not a public road feel bad for the suv
  7. U do any 3d target shooting?
  8. Looks good man I got an accord with just bolt ons my heavy turd
  9. I think me and simplysix were meeting up if decent weather not sure of others it will be cool to meet every one.
  10. Ello I too work 3rd shift so if u ever want to ride a Friday mornin I'm game
  11. Seen ur creigslist spot good luck wit sale
  12. Ok man sounds good Im in the middle between hillard and grove city
  13. If nice weather ill go its my first meet.
  14. My grandparents had one I played with as a kid it had some age on it
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