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Everything posted by -Alex-

  1. The only way I might care now, is if he beat up Charlotte McKenney.
  2. Wait, so somebody with a shitty upbringing and a history of domestic violence who happened to be good at a sport and now makes millions of dollars is still a shitty person with a tendency to be violent off the football field? As stated above, well known millionaire or not, shitty people are shitty people. Who cares?
  3. I dig it, LED bar and all. I don't care if you drive it to the mall or Baja.
  4. Good price and a really nice truck. Wish I could work something out on it.
  5. Congrats. That definitely makes up for the Grand Marquis.
  6. Sexy car, but what's the point of leaving the rear bumper off? Cooling purposes?
  7. Lmao. Good! Way too many people just hanging out on the starting line.
  8. Live Feed http://new.livestream.com/accounts/572122/2015-LightsOut6 Anybody else watching? I know Wagner is there reporting for Dragzine and obviously Mark Carlyle is racing. Really wish I could be there!
  9. I just watched it again and watched the officer's gun and realized that. Driver definitely had a gun in his hand though. Were there any toxicology tests or anything on the driver? His actions look like he was high on something. The way he hangs his head out the window and shit while the officer is on the passenger side, then when he hops out it looks like he's waving his left hand around while the gun is in his right. Is there some debate about this or anything? I'm down south in the sticks and haven't heard anything about this before today, but after reading some of the YouTube comments, it seems like there are people trying to say the shots weren't justified.
  10. Saw this video earlier and noticed something. It says the stop was initiated due to no license plate light, but doesn't it look fairly lit? I thought at first it was reflecting from the officers headlights, but then I restarted the video and it seems like the plate is already fairly bright before the officer pulls behind him. This makes no difference in the result of the stop, just an observation. I also had a hard time figuring out who was doing the shooting and when. Did the Taurus driver get any shots off, or were those all the officers shots? Just trying to understand the situation. Looks like the choice to engage the passenger window was the right one. P.S. He definitely messed his pants.
  11. The stance and fitment look awesome. I also think the whole car has just the right amount of wear and tear, but still looks solid. Great work so far.
  12. I wouldn't consider one well known song over a decade ago a career. What a piece of shit. I'm also disappointed in the white knight that simply gave Afroman a little wave and ran off, he should've laid that motherfucker out.
  13. But, there's no Jegs stickers anywhere on it? Must be slow.
  14. So you think a little beater daily he's swapping to cruise around and enjoy would have giant slicks up front? Ok. Besides, if he wants to run it at the track or whatever and needs to make adjustments, it has coilovers.
  15. You've already driven one, so you know you like them. I've heard 100k is the magic number for them to turn into lemons, honestly can't remember why though.
  16. Miata > DA track car. I'm sure your kids will have more fun riding in it too.
  17. You looking for a reason to keep it, or sell it? My comment relies on your answer.
  18. I keep secretly looking at this. Perhaps I should list my Dart...
  19. -Alex-

    Better call Saul

    Correct. I think the timeline is 8 years prior to Breaking Bad.
  20. -Alex-

    Better call Saul

    Love it. Breaking Bad was my favorite series ever, this looks like it will not disappoint.
  21. Luckily we have a wedding to go to Saturday evening, so that gets me out of dinner. Probably get drunk at the reception and giver her a good dicking when we get home.
  22. That's really ironic, because I had one blow out today on my car and have been looking hard at my options. 225/45s seem harder to find and really pricey, but 215/45s are a lot more common and much more affordable, like less than half the cost of a 225/45. I was going to buy a pair of 225/45s tomorrow but after price shopping, I'll more than likely get a whole set of 215/45s for less.
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