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Everything posted by Yasser-Hanbali

  1. my N/A FC for the win....i challenge everyone even the TT Z06 :gabe: LOL
  2. happens to me every fucking morning around 6 lol. Damn dogs http://chzragecomics.files.wordpress.com/2011/05/rage-comics-trollpug.jpg
  3. made this last night after watching epic meal time lol 1/2 pound burger stuffed with cheese, bread crumbs and some other spices then put on a nice bun wrapped with a blanket of candied bacon.... and with some Bud light to drink, great late night snack. http://i723.photobucket.com/albums/ww239/v8killa7/220944_2082722752812_1387401766_2396130_7550417_o.jpg?t=1305838499
  4. funny its the 21st same night as the kegger at my house and Chittfest. atleast i know im going out in style if the end comes lol as for joining the Zombie side ill have an extra bullet saved formyself lol. as for a joke though i should run around Chittenden naked screaming the end is near lmao.
  5. lets put the opening position in my case, i live with 5 guys my room being furthest from the stairs. what would i do? grab shotgun load with as many shells as possible and have extra,call the cops leave phone on and say im going to check it out. followed by making sure everyone is in their rooms i would slowly make my way downstairs and if suspect is in process of stealing give them 3 seconds to drop said item and hold them at gun point till cops show up or if they attempt to charge me pull the trigger. i have no intentions of ever taking a human life, but if its me or the other guy who should not be in my house i am 100% certain i will be the one breathing the next day.
  6. all this shit is funny, if its coming let it come. we wont even know about it, it will be over faster than we can react. but one thing is certain though i will be ready for the Zombies!!!! :fuckyeah:
  7. im pumped, the first season was great!
  8. i played it and was hooked. spent 5 hours last night glued to the screen, its a very good game the graphics and the over all game play are very well laid out. the damage that guns in the game do is also really cool, the blood spread and impact on walls and other things also looks great.
  9. chirs i believe they are referring to the engine it self as the silver thing. also as stated the only way i would run 3mm is if my rotors were beyond tolerance.
  10. honestly the whole debate between 3mm and 2mm seals is over rated, i run 2mm super seals with no issues. and every motor we have built runs 2mm unless the owner wants 3mm and i dont see any real performance difference between the two. a well built motor running 2mm seals can handle as much boost as a motor with 3mm, and you also dont have to get your rotors milled to fit the bigger seals, i know first hand we have dealt with some motors with idle issues using 3MM.
  11. while Black ops was fun i didnt buy it, it was just to fake for the time era. the guns were all modern day besides a few and the attachments werent even real.
  12. Great shots great use of some light overexposure .... did you use fill flash?
  13. http://www.mazda.co.jp/philosophy/history/rx-7/gallery/wallpaper/rx7_a_1280_960.jpg
  14. of course all this stuff would come up after i sold my WRX
  15. thank you here are some older ones, lets get this thread going 1. http://i723.photobucket.com/albums/ww239/v8killa7/_DSC0036-3.jpg?t=1305206395 2. http://i723.photobucket.com/albums/ww239/v8killa7/_DSC0015-3.jpg?t=1305206395 3. http://i723.photobucket.com/albums/ww239/v8killa7/_DSC0028-3.jpg?t=1305206483 4. http://i723.photobucket.com/albums/ww239/v8killa7/yasser.jpg?t=1305206529 5. http://i723.photobucket.com/albums/ww239/v8killa7/_DSC0029-3.jpg?t=1305206580 6. http://i723.photobucket.com/albums/ww239/v8killa7/_DSC0067-2.jpg?t=1305206617 7. http://i723.photobucket.com/albums/ww239/v8killa7/_DSC0215-2.jpg?t=1305206659
  16. funny thing is that Kevin's Rotary powered FD would walk a lot of people on this forum... :gabe::gabe:
  17. bringing this thread back up, all the other forums im on have a photography thread. so post up what you have, i took these yesterday while making some dinner in the ghetto lol. http://i723.photobucket.com/albums/ww239/v8killa7/_DSC1120.jpg?t=1305047276 http://i723.photobucket.com/albums/ww239/v8killa7/_DSC1119.jpg?t=1305047276 http://i723.photobucket.com/albums/ww239/v8killa7/_DSC1111.jpg?t=1305047276 http://i723.photobucket.com/albums/ww239/v8killa7/_DSC1102.jpg?t=1305047276 http://i723.photobucket.com/albums/ww239/v8killa7/_DSC1099.jpg?t=1305047276 http://i723.photobucket.com/albums/ww239/v8killa7/_DSC1096.jpg?t=1305047276 http://i723.photobucket.com/albums/ww239/v8killa7/_DSC1095.jpg?t=1305047276 http://i723.photobucket.com/albums/ww239/v8killa7/_DSC1093.jpg?t=1305047276 http://i723.photobucket.com/albums/ww239/v8killa7/_DSC1090.jpg?t=1305047276 http://i723.photobucket.com/albums/ww239/v8killa7/_DSC1088.jpg?t=1305047276 http://i723.photobucket.com/albums/ww239/v8killa7/_DSC1083.jpg?t=1305047384
  18. thats is exactly where i live, honestly i feel bad about not doing anything. but going outside at 1AM and not knowing where this guy lives or if he had anyone in houses around i had to think of what was better for my self in the situation. i was shaking i was so pissed from what i was seeing, but as said before would it have really been worth getting arrested for or possibly worse? so lets say i broke up the fight in turn got into a fight with said guy, now its a 2 vs 1 for our word with the police. now not only am i most likely going to jail and this guy would know where i live. and quite possibly putting my life and my roommates lives on the line for a girl who doesnt care i think would not have been worth it. as i mentioned i am completely against a man putting hands on a woman, but with the ways the law works and the possible danger that is around where i live playing hero can mean your life.
  19. i wish i could say the situation was BS, but its not i just going to wait till someone complains about our speakers again since the same guy always comes. i want to bring up the issue if your taking down my information because a noise complaint and not for someone who has done an actual crime. then Damnit im going to play my super loud music.
  20. i finally ordered some nice new parts, thats going to put my car well into the range of power that i want. im still trying to find the time to get it all put back together though, it should soon im hoping though lol i miss driving my car.
  21. very possible, i just wish they would have been faster on response. as they would have seen him physically hitting her.
  22. i highly doubt that, full on choke and girl was swinging back. i just cant belive they let them go no questions no searches nothing.
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