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Everything posted by Yasser-Hanbali

  1. good work Kevin, whos motor was that? is it ported, intake ports look lager than stock, but i didnt see any pics of the exhaust ports. but looks nice and clean great job.
  2. so i have to rant somewhere about this issue so what better place than CR at 1:15 in the morning. well to start i live on the Ass end and i mean end of Chittenden past 4th and literally live 5 minutes walking distance from the police station on 11th. now on to the story, i was woken up at around 12:15 by loud screaming between a girl and a man. no big deal as this happens on the regular, so i took a look out my window only to see this guy has this girl in a full on headlock and is landing some decent blows to her face/upper chest. so as im sitting there watching for about 10 seconds to determine if is drunk "joking" or real physical abuse she yell "someone please call the cops" so i called the dispatcher expecting a fast response as i watch this unfold, i didnt want to get involved or shout out the window as i have no clue who this guy is and what he might have on him or in him, so im watching powerless also knowing getting involved could result in charges against myself. so after 15+ minutes of waiting for a cruiser CPD shows up one cruiser and the paddy wagon, they were only outside for 5 minutes tops. nothing was issued no arrests and so on i wanted to go outside and say something as i witnessed the whole event. but then they allow the guy and the girl involved get into the same car as when someone came to get them and drive off, nothing more was said for done what really gets me and trips me out is people always call my house in for noise when we have people over, and their response time on a Friday night is no longer than 10 minutes then will get out of the car and ask for ID and so on. it amazes me that a noise complaint gets more attention than a call on domestic violence or the way that it was handled made it look like its okay to beat women. sorry about the long post but im pretty heated about the event, with the lack of speed by the Law and how a real crime is treated more lightly than loud speakers. :fuuuu::fuuuu::fuuuu::fuuuu::fuuuu:
  3. ive seen it too, around campus IMO i would rather have an Lotus with a gas burning engine.
  4. now this event will never exist, due to there being no picture evidence :fuuuu:
  5. that was some good shit, simply seeing the rage on Trump's face is more than enough for a good laugh.
  6. im down bro.... ill bring my game cube 3 cans of AXE and a case of natty ice..:gabe:
  7. i would love to come.... but sadly i have to be at work at 10
  8. they tired to issue a ticket for no front plate a few years back when i was out in the FD. i got out of it simply by saying that from factory my car came with no brackets, they went to tell me that i had to drill holes for a plate. my response if your willing to pay for a new bumper i will gladly drill holes in this one. :fuckyeah: i was let off with a warning and have had no trouble to date.
  9. 3 more i decided to edit up! http://i723.photobucket.com/albums/ww239/v8killa7/_DSC1048.jpg?t=1304214601 http://i723.photobucket.com/albums/ww239/v8killa7/_DSC1016.jpg?t=1304214601 http://i723.photobucket.com/albums/ww239/v8killa7/_DSC1005.jpg?t=1304214601
  10. thats what everyone says, in reality though :masturboy: followed up by a :gabe: hahahha. and i will agree while im not a fan of blue nor would i ever own a blue car, but i love the tone a hue of Subaru's blue.
  11. http://i723.photobucket.com/albums/ww239/v8killa7/_DSC0978-1.jpg?t=1304208585
  12. no problem one in color coming right your way :fuckyeah:
  13. this is what i have for now.... didnt get a solid rear end shot http://i723.photobucket.com/albums/ww239/v8killa7/_DSC0977.jpg?t=1304207039
  14. Yes sir I can when I get back on my laptop
  15. Its all good and thank you. Honestly I didn't see any scratches in the bumper I.know it's a limited with leather seats in blue.
  16. and as stated in my previous post, the soul reason i didnt shoot too many full body images was all the movement and placement of objects in the background. sure its easy to snap a quick picture, but if i didnt look right to me i have a feeling some others on here would also spot those flaws. in all honesty i believe to have a really clean full body image it must be taken in a place with no people and a very clean background so that the soul focus of the image is the car.
  17. thank you DOC, i wish i could have gotten some full body shots, but with so many people in the parking lot and all the light poles and what not in the way. i feel it would have distorted the main focus your squeeky clean Bentley;)
  18. I cut it off for the purpose of making the focal point the STI emblem, as having the plate in would draw eyes away from what i wanted in the frame.
  19. which one the amazingly built yellow one....:gabe:
  20. http://i723.photobucket.com/albums/ww239/v8killa7/_DSC1015.jpg?t=1304131697 http://i723.photobucket.com/albums/ww239/v8killa7/_DSC1004.jpg?t=1304131697 http://i723.photobucket.com/albums/ww239/v8killa7/_DSC0995.jpg?t=1304131697 http://i723.photobucket.com/albums/ww239/v8killa7/_DSC0991.jpg?t=1304131697 http://i723.photobucket.com/albums/ww239/v8killa7/_DSC0989.jpg?t=1304131697 http://i723.photobucket.com/albums/ww239/v8killa7/_DSC0988.jpg?t=1304131697 http://i723.photobucket.com/albums/ww239/v8killa7/_DSC0987.jpg?t=1304131697 http://i723.photobucket.com/albums/ww239/v8killa7/_DSC0978.jpg?t=1304131697
  21. http://i723.photobucket.com/albums/ww239/v8killa7/_DSC0990.jpg?t=1304131578 http://i723.photobucket.com/albums/ww239/v8killa7/_DSC1070.jpg?t=1304131579 http://i723.photobucket.com/albums/ww239/v8killa7/_DSC1065.jpg?t=1304131579 http://i723.photobucket.com/albums/ww239/v8killa7/_DSC1055.jpg?t=1304131579 http://i723.photobucket.com/albums/ww239/v8killa7/_DSC1043.jpg?t=1304131579 http://i723.photobucket.com/albums/ww239/v8killa7/_DSC1036.jpg?t=1304131579 http://i723.photobucket.com/albums/ww239/v8killa7/_DSC1034.jpg?t=1304131579 http://i723.photobucket.com/albums/ww239/v8killa7/_DSC1032.jpg?t=1304131579 http://i723.photobucket.com/albums/ww239/v8killa7/_DSC1020.jpg?t=1304131579 http://i723.photobucket.com/albums/ww239/v8killa7/_DSC1017.jpg?t=1304131579
  22. hell, im bringing out my dirty WRX, i got it washed yesterday but with the recent weather in Ohio i might just give up on having a clean car... also, i will be bringing along my camera for some shooting.
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