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Everything posted by Yasser-Hanbali

  1. its not bad, i enjoy being able to watch tons of stuff from when i was a kid on my Xbox. but it seems every time i search for something its "DVD only" this is quite annoying.
  2. I feel bad for the people of Japan, i hope they recover well from mother nature being a bitch.
  3. on a serious note, its a terrible thing that happened in Japan. times like this make me very humble that we live in ohio away from all this crazy mother nature jazz. my prayers go out to the Japanese people and their families, and too everyone that has loved ones there.
  4. yes, please.... but i wouldnt want to be hunted by the Japanese......
  5. i found mine online, it was all the way out in new concord but she was worth the drive. i think they still have 3 girls left and at 250$ they are a steal.
  6. well its been a long day, finally got her to walk up stairs and learn that her cage is her bed for now. also my girlfriend took her to the park and wore her out so looks like this guy is getting some sleep tonight lol.
  7. pretty much lol. the dog is a hyper nut case and lacks good training. its sad he could be a good dog, but without training its what it is.
  8. i agree, but it also doesn't help that my buddy is completely lazy when it comes to his dog.
  9. hahhaha i believe that, my roommate has a beagle and its dumber than a box of rocks lol. we had my pup for 2 days and shes better potty trained than the dog thats almost 1.
  10. sad to see your getting rid of him, i just got my shepherd puppy on saturday. good luck finding a home.
  11. I agree with you Chris, EVO's will loose value but since the nature of car has a demand it will retain a good price.
  12. from everything i hear dont use Tiger Japan. i hear they pressure wash engines then just wrap them up, and put them in storage. ive seen pictures of engines rusted out and that are junk when the owner gets them. some also have low or no compression.
  13. hahahha as of now my dog is getting just puppy food and teats for going outside to do her business. and same for my old dog we had him cremated and hes has a nice solid wood box with a paw print on a piece of paper and come hair clippings, along with his picture.
  14. I have to train her to be a good house dog but be protective while not vicious at the same time, which is easy with these dogs. and sad to hear you had to put yours down. my last dog Luckee had to be put down when his lungs gave out and had mass internal bleeding. it was the hardest thing my dad and i had to do, after having him for 8 years he was the best dog we had.
  15. I'm wondering who all on CR has these dogs, my girlfriend just surprised me with this little puppy on Saturday. I had one when I was growing up. I know they are great dogs, and after having to put mine down in 08 i really wanted another one. So post up some pics and details about your loyal friend mine: Girl; name is LUXE, shes about 8 weeks old and pretty much a pain right now lol, but once shes grown and trained I know she will be a good dog. http://i723.photobucket.com/albums/ww239/v8killa7/_DSC0539.jpg?t=1299517641 http://i723.photobucket.com/albums/ww239/v8killa7/_DSC0538.jpg?t=1299517641 http://i723.photobucket.com/albums/ww239/v8killa7/_DSC0537.jpg?t=1299517641
  16. now thats what i call a well built roll cage lol.
  17. It's good to see that Mazda is doing something before any major issues occur.
  18. its the only campus where you role with your brochachos and its cool to come home with them.
  19. 1) i think the rule is dumb, but rules are rules 2) BYU has to be the most boring Campus ever just saying. parties must suck.
  20. that's what i was thinking if it was a Base Lancer i need the news station phone number. anything over 100+ there might be lift off.
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