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Everything posted by Hollywood33

  1. I expect a full race report from someone this evening. Thanks.
  2. Although I have to say, I am also very excited to spend some quality time with the Murse next weekend. Just the two of us doin a trackday together at Grattan and stuffin each other as hard as we can, just like the old days!
  3. As insanely jealous as I am right now, I hope everyone has a great Round 1! I'm really most upset about not getting to see all my boys after a long off season. I miss you fuckheads. Keep the rubber side down and don't go dropping too much time before the next round. See you guys at Round 2! Even though the Murse and I will be hitting Grattan next weekend, I'm really just excited to get back to Motoseries and good ol' Nelson Ledges!
  4. Fuck Marty... one time, in his trailer, he wouldn't let me touch his special parts.
  5. Ok, back to your regular scheduled programing (the tools' weak ass, homo erotic colored Brit bikes)
  6. Thank you, Brian. I was actually just about to contact you to get your opinion on this, you know, since you're so OLD and wise. Seriously though, I wanted to hear what you thought, so thanks for chiming in. I should'nt have even said anything on here because I should have know these fucktards would be breakin my balls.
  7. And fuck your old high school boy fondler.
  8. I agree with everything you're saying, but it's not like I'm doin 11's at Nelson or anything. I understand Todd wanting a bigger expert grid, but that's not enough to make me want to bump up before I really should. I don't know, I'm torn. I kinda want that baller white plate and to be able to chase those guys around, but I don't know...
  9. Just look for the two most awkward looking motherfuckers you've ever seen.
  10. Dickbag, that is not the (whole) reason I'm gonna stay novice. I said I want to get more experience before going up, especially since last year was my first season racing. Why would I want to go up and then just get smoked by the experts, and basically be riding by myself between them and the novices? So blow me. And there will likely be plenty of novices that are still faster than me. (Oh, and that tire money, son!!! )
  11. Shut up, you little asshole.
  12. Well bought my license today, and I did indeed get the same talk. Todd is giving me the option to bump to expert if I want, but I just don't think I'm gonna do it. I feel like I need a little more experience, and I'd like to maybe have a shot at actually winning a race or two. But I also would like to be able to keep racing with all you guys that are moving up. Fuck, I don't know. I'm thinking one more year as a Novice.
  13. The Pilot Roads should be fine for novice. And the speedometer thing is not a joke, and you pretty much nailed it about why. No reason to worry about speed, and makes it easier to just focus on the skills you need to build. This way there's no temptation to be looking down at your speedo. You have a tachometer on that thing, right? When doing a Motoseries novice day they make you tape it. At least they did when I did my first trackday (with good ole Craigypoo as my instructor).
  14. Just saw that you mentioned new tires in your post...Doh!! Oh, and put a piece of tape over your speedometer.
  15. Ill let some of the other guys chime in on the Mid Ohio specifics, but don't forget about tires. IMO tires are one of the most important factors at a trackday. You don't need any fancy race tires or anything, but make sure whatever tires you do have are pretty new. And if you can swing it, a good set of performance street/ttackday tires would be best. Think Dunlop Q2's or Michelin Pilot Powers. These will allow you to have the most fun and have confidence in the bike. Most importantly, just have fun and learn as much as you can. Oh, and get prepared for the likely addiction to track riding that will come from your first trackday.
  16. I am not moving myself up. Here's to hoping for one wave starts!
  17. What?!! Congrats, bro! I did not buy my license yet, but I just talked to Todd like a week ago about tires and he didn't say anything. We actually talked specifically about who was moving up, and I was not one of them. So pretty sure I will still be a novice this year. That actually kind of sucks because I was looking forward to battling with you all year, damn. Hopefully Cox and Mikey make it out a bit this year.
  18. Wow, dude, nice numbers! That's impressive. Fuck.
  19. Hell yes... with orange wheels.
  20. STFU, Craig. My shit is good now... which is probably why you're trying to do the exact same thing I did, cause my Kawi is a beast.
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