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Everything posted by Hollywood33

  1. Dude, I'm so down! Headed to the paint store now. Where did you guys get that shit, D-bags-R-Us?
  2. You guys both have really cute matching names too!!! Awwww!
  3. Ahhh hahahahahaha! I freakin love it! Make sure you paint your wheels white too, Craigypoo. What's with you toolbags painting these Kawi's Yami blue anyway? Geez. (Yours looks pretty sweet, Brandon.)
  4. http://stores.sportbiketrackgear.com/Detail.bok?no=7261
  5. Bullshit, man, that place looks way nicer than Nelson! (Although I love Nelson)
  6. Hahaha, yeah we're at full capacity there, especially if Bobinger makes a return this season. (Where you at Dr. Bobinger? I know you're lurking around here somewhere.)
  7. Yeah, when did this happen? You freakin traitor.
  8. Hahaha, I was like "Noooooo, someone is gonna tear me up for this one!" lol
  9. I did, thats why I was like wait a minute... Basically I was looking at March and not May, like a jackass.
  10. So yeah, track probably shuts down somewhere around there. Can't remember exactly.
  11. Here ya go, http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/astronomy.html?n=805&month=5&year=2013&obj=sun&afl=-11&day=1 You be the judge. Not to sound like Craig, but... google is your friend.
  12. I'd almost guaruntee you are a 48/58 in A-Stars. I'm 6'2", between 200 and 210 lbs., and I wear a 46/56 that is pretty snug with my back protector. Fits pretty damn good though, could just use a touch more length in the sleeves.
  13. I will take you out the first race if you do that. Seriously though, congrats to all you guys! Getting those white plates is an awesome accomplishment and you guys should be proud.
  14. YES!!!!!!!!!!!! Haha, fuckin A yes! I'm goin for the championship, baby, fastest of the slow guys! And I'm gonna break Brandon's legs or some shit before the season starts. (Although I'm sure some assholes will show up out of nowhere and smoke me, but its nice to dream)
  15. John, stop shitting all over my thread and trying to steal my thunder!! This is about May 11th, no one gives a shit about your little trip. Marty, Brian and I will be driving up Friday afternoon/evening and hopefully camping out, then riding Saturday. I'm not sure if we are gonna stay over and ride again Sunday. The original plan was to just ride Saturday, but I could probably be convinced to ride Sunday as well.
  16. Shit, I've come close to doing that a couple of times! haha. Well maybe not that close, but it sure as hell felt like it.
  17. You'll love Grattan, I'm pretty sure it's my favorite track. It's challenging, but that's what is so fun about it. Takes me just about 5 hours to get there from Cleveland, and we usually just camp at the track. Although it can get rough sometimes up there as far as weather in April/early May, and towards the end of the season in October.
  18. Well shit, dickbag, would have been nice to know this sooner! Its all good though, The Murse and I had gift certificates from last year that we had to use, and this is the first day I'll be able to get out and ride. Shit, maybe I'll go that weekend with you guys too.
  19. Hell yeah, Marty! Craig, you suck donkey...
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