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Everything posted by Hollywood33

  1. Welp, since I have to miss the Motoseries first round due to god awful law school finals, The Murse and I will be headed to Grattan on Saturday, May 11th with STT. This way I can at least get one day in before round 2, and I freakin love Grattan! I look forward to stuffing The Murse and standing him up over and over again into turn 10. Also, I think they just resurfaced the entire track?! What?! So the question is... WHO'S COMIN WITH ME??!!!
  2. Well shit I hope it's ok, hahaha.
  3. Listen, man, try not to be too upset when the baby pops out and has beautiful, flaming red hair.
  4. Just had to fuck with you a bit... c'mon, you know how we do it on here!
  5. Well, to give you an idea of what's out there, I just made a deal for an Elka three way shock and a set of forks with 25 mm Ohlins cartridges in them for my 07 ZX6R (same bike) for a thousand bucks. Already set up for my weight too, which is nice. Brian will probably say I'm half assing it, or putting a band-aid on it or some shit, but I'm pretty happy with the deal. Will be a massive improvement over the stock suspension I raced on last year, although I think I did just fine on it for my first year racing. And plenty of parts out there for our ZX6R's, just look on the WERA classifieds or Kawiforums... I've never had a problem finding what I needed if I had a month or so to find it.
  6. Well no shit dickwad, you start in the first wave or at least significantly in front of me! Lets line up side by side and see what happens... oh, let's put you on a 600 too.
  7. Pretty sure I've stuffed you many times before, and will do it many more times! It's actually my biggest joy in riding.
  8. Man I can't wait to get to the track with all you fucktards!
  9. Well what the fuck were you thinking, you illiterate douche nugget?! Hahaha
  10. Well shit, that only gives us maybe like 1 race to try and pass you!
  11. Hahahaha.... it counts. Can I get in on this too??! If Brandon or I pass you this season, you quit. And we sell your inferior product laden bike and split the profit!
  12. C'mon, Murse, stop being such a cheap ass pansy!! You know you have $2500 to drop on that ttx and forks! Are you really gonna put inferior parts on that Superbike of yours? Jesus, man, not even Craig would do that.
  13. Awesome, good luck, man! Keep us updated with the bike's progress!
  14. Oh you clever little Asian motherfucker. I cant help but love you.
  15. I'm in... just so I can see that 1/2 inch bowtie tied around Madscat's 2 inch penis. Can't wait!
  16. Screw that, I'd just act like I don't know who the hell you are.
  17. Speaking of leopard man thongs, where the hell is the Murse at? He needs to stop being such a vag, unhook his leash, and spend some time on here with his boys.
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