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Everything posted by Exarch

  1. Exarch

    Doomsday Preppers

    What if you get distracted by the stripper zombies holding 7 layer burritos? http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2257/1508281227_9989e8f4e7.jpg
  2. He is a crazy cracker.
  3. Exarch

    Doomsday Preppers

    Well, youll be doing alot of walking to get there, I would assume there would be alot of abandoned cars blocking the roads. If you can manage to somehow avoid all the zombies you will surely encounter on your journey, how will you rush past the hordes of zombies trying to enter your compound? also how will you convince your family that you are worth the risk of opening the doors which may lead to a possible zombie infestation? All it takes is a little bit of zombie blood or a scratch and they could turn aswell. Also how would you prove you are not infected with the zombie virus?
  4. Exarch

    Doomsday Preppers

    And your employees would care why if they make it there first your SOL
  5. Black, but the orange/black is something different its like a personal touch.
  6. Exarch

    Doomsday Preppers

    What makes you think they would let you in? Thats 1 more mouth to feed. Although you would make good target practice
  7. Well, most other mods are way too stiff.
  8. Well, since this is R&R and you have to manually add this section... If people dont wanna see stuff like this they prob dont have R&R enabled. So yup I can see why it wouldn't be deleted. This was uncalled for though, he could of just left peacefully... edit- nvm, didnt realize this came from another post, guess that was caspers call on moving it here and giving it a title
  9. Until he creates another username...
  10. I agree, I hope their punishment is way worse than death. Im all in for anything that could help protect our country. What if that info saved YOUR life or the life of your loved ones?
  11. But how are we supposed to know your OR name if you dont tell us? I cant be botherd to go on a manhunt for it, I might strain my eyeballs.
  12. http://m.naplesnews.com/news/2012/jan/12/man-dies-after-crashing-new-motorcycle-his-home/?partner=RSS Guy buys a motorcycle and kills himself mere hours after the purchase when he crashes into his own house. I dont know what to make of this, honestly I laughed a little(yes im insensitive) but this is horrible. There has to be more to this story, the guy must of beem drunk or on drugs. I feel bad for the guy, hell im sure the seller feels bad about this. Sorry if this is a repost, I cant remember if I read it on here or saw it as I was browsing google earlier today. I dont think its a repost though.
  13. you forgot to list your OR name
  14. Im gunna go hug a tree now...
  15. WHAT! Accept a punishment for something you did wrong? That is unimaginable... People breaking the law dont need to be bothered by cops, they have more important things to worry about. And why are cops pulling people over? Shouldnt they be at Tim Hortons eating donuts or whatever? Well, your probably right on that one. My kid always hides crap on me and I can never find it...
  16. Hell, you can slap my ass and call me sally if u want
  17. I suppose if he wasnt carrying a weapon he could attempt to take the cops aswell... http://mobile.philly.com/news/?wss=/philly/news/local/&id=147408105 Figured ide pull this up just cuz of the name, could this be paulys kid? guess he should of borrowed his dads gun But I do agree with you, in 95% of the cases they shoot first. And most people are nice too, until they get that ticket.
  18. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IjJhs8_r1xk&feature=youtube_gdata_player Im sure this cop takes everyones guns now, although this vid is in your favor, there are vids out there where they didnt open fire till after the ticket, but im just too lazy to look em up.
  19. Did the owners insurance end up paying you or did your insurance pay for the bike and the dog? Grats on getting her road worthy again. she looks good.
  20. I forgot my OR name But You can call me hey you
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