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Everything posted by AWW$HEEET

  1. I wish stoneburner would go back to being a TE and not the slowest excuse for a WR I've ever seen in my life.
  2. Shoulda gone to my moms, she'll hook you up for 2 wooden nickles.
  3. Yeah til they face an SEC team and get their collective anguses smoked. I was confident I wvu, and picked that one in my pickem pool at work. I had lsu winning, because I am not buying into the florida hype. I mean don't forget, BG was giving this same team a workout, in the Swamp not a month ago...
  4. Yes, 5' from a stump that is 5 ft wide. Still not safe, but technically legal.
  5. My brother was shooting a 9mm into a stump once, we are on 1.5 acres with houses front and back and side to side within 300ft. The sheriff got called on my brother (probably rightly so, we have 0 backstop, minus that stump). The sheriff rolls up, my brother gun in hand. She gets out, waves hi. Officer: "hey your neighbors called because you were shootin" Bro: "oh man, I am sorry offic...." Officer "oh no no, you are well within your rights. We just do a courtesy stop for the complaining neighbor" Bro: "I'm sorry I should be at a range" Officer: "but why would you? You have every right to shoot out here. You can keep shooting, but if your neighbors call again, ill come out one more time. After that if they complain, I am putting them on the 'do not respond' list" Lols, 100% dead truth. Never been more proud of LEO than that instant in time.
  6. Agreed I hope they factored the size of his stones into the drag coefficient.
  7. I am more worried about neb than I was about msu. Neb willl spread osu out on D, and we have been getting assraped in space. (Missing tackles, not wrapping up, not finishing the play, etc)
  8. Man that thing is clean. Glws.
  9. I was at JD power equipment today in hilliard, they have a bunch of new and used stuff. Tons of ztrs and lawn tractors.
  10. we always made it with a lady bligh 1.75L plastic jug rum and whatever shitbum cider you can find. not much more to it than that.


    farkas is such a 47 percenter. if it were his way he would get entitlement payments in the form of vr6 oil pans, bbs lips and PBR.
  12. all you fat sympathizers need to stop being such 47 percenters. its very democrat of all of you. bullying is a staple of america.
  13. :no: not a suggestion i would make on CR
  14. create a system, and someone will create a way to abuse it. its frowned upon but it really is just a cost of doing business. deal with it.
  15. i will say, for a phone interview, this sounds retarded but it may behoove you to dress up, be organized, sit at a desk, have your resume in front of you. i remember having a phone interview with Raytheon for a finance position a few yrs back. i was sitting in my underwear in my frat house doing the interview, which consisted of a panel of 4 higher ups in finance for the company. I felt unprepared and out of sorts, despite it being a phone interview. The next time around on a phone interview, I interviewed much better being dressed well, prepared, etc.
  16. by running it out the side, versus out the top, do you think you will be potentially losing heat?


    Barack's speech is much slower, choppy. Lots of "ahhs" and "umms". Maybe its just a product of getting older. He doesn't seem like the great orator he was 4 yrs ago.
  18. i would probably make some sort of chimney. good luck with install
  19. its 10:43, shouldnt you be filling someones blinker fluid?
  20. i wish they would become sponsors and just post all their trucks on here :gabe:
  21. whoops! maybe ill get on there and challenge him to a pushup contest
  22. the car company in baltimore ohio. tell em, large marge sent ya.
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