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Everything posted by AWW$HEEET

  1. Paul congratulations on having 2 babies this wonderful year of 2012. when can we expect them to make their initial member requests, and oven threads? :fuckyeah:
  2. so wait, did canada lose their race, or was there just talk of it?
  3. I would not advise you to get continued education. Taking on more loans for maybe just a small increase in pay is not worth it. A bachelors degree isn't shit anymore.
  4. If she is operating at 95%, (sometimes full capacity), there is no need to further promote. Unless he essentially doubles down and expands the shop and staff, I see no reason to further promote.
  5. 1 yr is a very short time to get a business off the ground. That being said, with you being injured long term, if you shut down the shop, it wouldn't be you that "crushed her dream". You gave it a year, and it didn't work. I would tell her tough shit, and to go find a job. If she is serious about your marriage, she would realize that she is contributing nothing to it financially, squandering all her time there, and its all basically for her pleasure at that point. I don't know anyone who likes working for free. If she is hellbent on doing it, have her do it from home. Why pay for a storefront and other unnecessary overhead? As for you, I would try to find work in some way, despite the injury. Sucks but you are in a losing battle until you start to make a positive income. No real way around that.
  6. yes. he has rustled the collective jimmies of the big 10. maybe in the big picture, he is just what the conference needed. did you see the handshake with him and dantonio at the end of the game? lollerific.
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pypLGbqJBqo&oref=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fresults%3Fsearch_query%3Dthe%2Bsystem%2Bis%2Bdown%2Bdubstep%2Bstrong%2Bbad%26oq%3Dthe%2Bsystem%2Bis%2Bdown%2Bdub%26gs_l%3Dyoutube.1.1.0l2.7218.7890.0.10223.
  8. i say give him another 4 years, because it the economy can, and will fail again, and probably during his next term. then we can place the blame squarely on him.
  9. Now, and spring I am not sure if i need to dethatch too, or seeds will take root if i just aerate?
  10. i would get arrested w one of those. probably go around flashing it at ppl when im drunk.
  11. Sounds like you have your shit together, good job for you. If there were more people like you who took pride in personal responsibility, we would be better off as a whole.
  12. this is like pimp my ride for baby boomer assholes
  13. Inflation @ 1.7%, but far less velocity now, than in 2007. Read up on the quantity theory of money. Holding constant what the fed is doing right now, if people started actually spending money, we would be fukked with inflation. And I lol hard about bill clinton going on commercials, stumping for obama, claiming obama didn't start this mess. The lollerific part is that clintons policies, paired with the cheap money that alan greenspan was slinging, was probably the precursor to this entire jamb we are in right now. No one even acknowledges it, or knows to look back that far.
  14. One was trapped in a dumpster and my roomate burned it to death...
  15. Not to go far off topic, but if you think this is bad, avoid the new albany location. Its staffed by 17-24 yr old kids who were born in new albany. Entitled little pricks.
  16. I can say with certainty he'll be working at taco bell in a year or 2. :gabe:
  17. anyone else think martinez looks like he throws like a girl/special olympian?
  18. schmerrlmer hit me up breh i need this done.
  19. the 47% thing is so sad. if you listen to it, most of it is true. he talks about 47% of people relying on type of govt aid, (close to being a fact), and goes on to talk about personal accountability. why is it wrong to talk about this sort of thing? i am not even in support of romney, but what is the taboo about being responsible for yourself with no government intervention? i am disgusted that politicians have to even cater toward these type of people who feel entitled to everything under the sun, just because they exist as part of this country.
  20. we are testing iOS and android. I think BES' will be phased out eventually.
  21. This is a picture of buck at 18 months.
  22. bet he's got the free obama phone. BOOST Mobile *cherp* YO DAWG WHERE U AT?


    Yes gorilla munch is sold in every organic section of every grocery store in columbus. Way to go fagget.
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