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Posts posted by AWW$HEEET

  1. i will say, for a phone interview, this sounds retarded but it may behoove you to dress up, be organized, sit at a desk, have your resume in front of you.


    i remember having a phone interview with Raytheon for a finance position a few yrs back. i was sitting in my underwear in my frat house doing the interview, which consisted of a panel of 4 higher ups in finance for the company. I felt unprepared and out of sorts, despite it being a phone interview. The next time around on a phone interview, I interviewed much better being dressed well, prepared, etc.

  2. Barack's speech is much slower, choppy. Lots of "ahhs" and "umms". Maybe its just a product of getting older. He doesn't seem like the great orator he was 4 yrs ago.
  3. I would agree with Scott. Try to promote like crazy and see how that takes off then if it shows no extra success then would be the time to decide to close up or make that shop your life. Its all going to be a chance game unless you close the doors and your wife finds a so called safe job. Hope that makes sense.


    If she is operating at 95%, (sometimes full capacity), there is no need to further promote. Unless he essentially doubles down and expands the shop and staff, I see no reason to further promote.

  4. 1 yr is a very short time to get a business off the ground. That being said, with you being injured long term, if you shut down the shop, it wouldn't be you that "crushed her dream". You gave it a year, and it didn't work. I would tell her tough shit, and to go find a job. If she is serious about your marriage, she would realize that she is contributing nothing to it financially, squandering all her time there, and its all basically for her pleasure at that point. I don't know anyone who likes working for free. If she is hellbent on doing it, have her do it from home. Why pay for a storefront and other unnecessary overhead?


    As for you, I would try to find work in some way, despite the injury. Sucks but you are in a losing battle until you start to make a positive income. No real way around that.

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