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Posts posted by AWW$HEEET

  1. heat gun or spreader torch

    it does sound like a mess, but if heat works, I'd remove it.

    If heat doesn't work, I'd leave it.

    Lots of energy required, even if only 20 square feet.

    I have a friend stripping an entire house of all it's tile. Some on slab, and some not.

    He's using two heat guns, and alternates them. He doesn't want to overheat and melt them.

    I can ask him what he did for really tough parts of it.

    ive been through some tough tile removals, and just 10 mins of working with this shit takes the cake. right when you think you have a good, wide section ready to peel up, only the top layer of the vinyl comes off, leaving you with stuff still glued to the ground.

  2. So how much area are you looking at having to deal with?

    20 sq ft total but this stuff is fairly tough, it comes off in shreds. to get all of it, i end up chipping the concrete slab, in which case im gonna have to level it out, even when i get all this stuff up.

    and no, this is NOT asbestos. its that rolled vinyl stuff.





    square edge shovel

    if more than 20 years old, there's a good chance it's asbestos tile and/or adhesive

    its vinyl, not tile. and even if it were asbestos, wouldn't a proper action be to cover it anyway and not disturb it?

  4. ok so i plan on installing tile in my basement bathroom. the floor is currently vinyl, glued to the concrete slab. this stuff is a bitch to get up. i have maybe 10% of it up, and am throwing in the towel. there are basically chunks now taken out of it, making the floor uneven. to remedy this should I:

    a. screed some sort of floor leveling compound over the whole bathroom floor, and install tile over it when cured

    b. install 1/4" wonderboard on the floor, and essentially glue it to the concrete slab with thinset. then install tile over the wonderboard, when cured

    c. say fuck it and install tile over it, directly to it.

    total thickness of this god forsaken vinyl is between 1/16th and 1/8th of an inch, by my estimate.

  5. you repubs? i voted, but it wasnt for mitt romney or barack obama. they are both failures. in terms of my reference to george bush, its pretty ironic that a party that claims to look "FORWARD" for "HOPE" and "CHANGE" is the one sitting there looking in the rear view mirror blaming past presidents, and not really focusing on our current issues. here's a hint: you don't spend your way into prosperity.

    just a thought.

  6. post the pics and names of these dbags up

    if i were you, i would be trying to ruin the lives of these people. call their employers, family, etc. thieves will continue to do business like this if you let them. i am all about creating a deterrent. the collective insurance rates across the nation depend on it too. the costs are far broader than everyone can see.

  7. Premeditation.

    Some judges will send a frustrated homeowner away for shit like this...and have.

    Which is a crock of shit. How can someone premeditate someone breaking into your house? By that logic, any CCW or tactical training is premeditation because you are practicing how to kill someone.

    Ben can delete this thread whenever. If someone does end up breaking into my place and getting shot, i don't want this thread coming back in court. LOL

  8. First, dead intruders don't talk so you always claim they made an aggressive action towards you. Second, you most likely will not get prosecuted for shooting the scum but you will most likely get a civil suit filed on you by the family of the scum bag, because he was a nice guy on hard times. :rolleyes:

    It's all a roll of the dice.

    I would hope if that happens to the guy in Elyria, he tries some sort of counter suit and leaves that family broken and without whatever shanty they currently live in.

  9. Maybe check with a lawyer. Don't they give you the first hour consultation free?

    im not even considering doing this. it would more or less be, a situation where if i saw footprints in the snow, what real duty would i even have to alert the police? if i know their MO is to come back the following night, i have 0 obligation to leave my home or live in fear.

    i mean the HOA has already alerted the franklin co. sheriff about the activity in our area.

  10. Follow in these footsteps...

    Man shoots burglar returning for more.

    Short story...man breaks into home steals TV but he also unlocks a window before he leaves with stolen TV. Homeowners report stolen TV and also find unlocked window. Homeowner camps out on couch with gun waiting for return of burglar and sure enough the very next night the dumbass climbed in that very window but he left on a cart with several new breathing holes.

    Id like to see how this turns out, legally. I don't see how any judge would ever side with the criminal.

  11. An electrician friend was having problems with vandalism around his house. Also peeping toms. So he hotwired a chainlink fence with 220v run through a motion sensor. He also ran a bunch of long drywall type screws up through boards that he set under each of his groundfloor windows. This was a very small community he was in. He got into all sorts of hot water over the fence and very nearly went to jail without anyone even getting zapped by the fence. Once the fence was depowered he found several of the boards under the windows gone, with blood trails. He then got sued, fined and ended up having to move back down south.

    He was pretty extreme in his methods, but anymore the laws seem to protect the crooks more than the public, imho.

    Not sure how it works here in Ohio but I bet its about the same if not worse.

    This is fairly extreme and I see his point with wanting to catch the people, but you can inadvertently hurt someone like a neighbor who means no harm, etc.

    I am undecided on how that law should really work, specifically.

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