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Posts posted by AWW$HEEET

  1. What is the tipping point?When they take away sports on t.v and beer.

    Until then you can do anything you want to Americans.

    basically. "if you cant live for something, you'll die for nothing", is not a slogan anyone really lives by anymore. the true patriots and pioneers died long ago.

  2. i think it would take a major exogenous shock to the system, be it economic, political, natural disaster, etc.

    politically it would take a really severe change to laws (people will forever be complacent with frittering away our rights slowly), economically it would involve hyperinflation (a real concept, research it), or basically a disaster that incapacitates 1/3rd of the nation, geographically.

    just my 2 cents.

  3. They DID mention requiring safe storage for grandfathered guns...

    not sure why they don't allow a tax write off for purchase of new gun safes? i mean if they really cared, they would put that in writing.

    same with gym memberships and workout equipment. if everyone is subsidizing this new healthcare system, why not help those who actually try to enable themselves to be healthy, and not a drain to the system. create a tax incentive.

  4. http://livewire.talkingpointsmemo.com/entry/feinstein-details-new-senate-assault-weapons-ban

    Didn't see any mention of NFA registration - but I did see this:

    Suggests that "pre-ban" rifles will still be legal for sale after the ban comes into effect.

    Watch the price of these rifles go even higher now. As preban gun supplies will be limited, postban guns will be neutered, and real Americans will continue to demand the preban models. I think my AR and 922r SKS just doubled in value, again, with that annoucnement.

    (Actually, I wonder if the SKS is on her hit-list)

    So now the next shooting happens with a 10 round mag and they drop it to 5...

    my saiga 12 just went up too. along with 20 rounder. i could have a nice patio installed for the price of those two. :D

  5. well, it comes out of the house, goes down into the ground about a foot and a half, then turns right into a drain tube that runs behind the house. the downspout T's into that line. So basically the water is backing up in the drain line, because of a blockage, then shoots out the downspout tube.

    so i bought a 25 foot snake at harbor freight, fed the whole thing into the drain tube, and i still didn't get to the clog. called a plumber last night.

  6. Sounds like the outlet is cracked or clogged from the sump pump. Or if you don't have one, it may have always flowed like this and just diverted into the down spout. You could just add one of those fold out tubes to the end and divert it away.

    My sump pump outlet pipe has a clean out on it, outside the house, then it goes below grade and out to the curb. Looks like a 1inch square closure plug, or essentially a crecsent wrecnh will open it, then see what's in there or if it's broke. You may need to snake down into the pipe to where ever it drains. I did that on my downspout when I was flushing it, both down to the curb and up from the curb.

    that is exactly what mine has, a square plug on the exterior of the house. I will open it up to see whats up.

  7. Sounds like the drain pipe from the sump is either clogged or collapsed so water is pushing out of the downspout piping. Have you tried calling any plumbers yet? I would if I were you - water will keep pooling back down to where the sumps pumping from and just continue cycling until the pump cooks or the water is removed.

    im kinda routing it away from the house now, about 8 feet or so via another pipe. so not all is lost, I am gonna call a plumber though...

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