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Posts posted by AWW$HEEET

  1. i need a new light wired, and it needs to go to a switch too. i have access to the attic above where the light will go. unfortunately i dont know how to do any of this crap.

    i cant find any youtube vids on how to do it, most of them are just showing how to wire in a new fixture, from where an existing fixture was. i need to actually run new power to this spot, connect to switch, and wire new fixture. what does something like this cost?

  2. i dunno why they don't just use the box with all the other race-types. i dont get why i have to say i'm NOT hispanic and then select africanese

    the funny part is that box 10b is the one where you select your race:

    white, black, american indian, eskimo, asian, pacific islander, whatever.

  3. huntington is a bunch of fucking liars. i bank with usbank, lost my ATM card in a huntington ATM (my fault). i know it is the general policy that banks destroy the ATM cards from other banks, if they get left in their ATM.

    that being said, i called huntington, the teller said yes, we have your card, come in and get it. i get there, and she claims she lied and actually had destroyed it. i talked to her manager and told them that i knew they were lying. i ended up leaving without my debt/credit card. if they were going to destroy my card, i wish they would have at least saved me the trip to come get it. so yes, the people at huntington in gahanna (stoneridge), are a bunch of scheisters.

    i worked for telhio, and they are a great bunch of people. i would recommend them. i also worked for 5/3rd. they are a bunch of scheisters, and i would not recommend them.

  4. I feel sorry for those guys who actually shoot all the time. It's their passion, hobby, and sport; and the cost and availability to support what they like to do is now stampeded by an influx of dooms-day hoarders.

    i don't. capitalism at its finest. all this shortage will do, is prompt entrepreneur-ism that will create a new avenue to get ammo. this is a free market and anyone can participate. just because joe dirt likes to shoot all the time, doesn't mean his demand takes any sort of precedence over any other type of demand.

    i agree that people need to be more educated before making their purchases, they have every right to pay what they want.

  5. 70c a round is still waaay too expensive. :nono:

    Yes, considering you can get it for 50cents a rd at gander mtn right now.

    1, I say not going to happen because no manufacture is going to sell to an individual or even bother with an amount that small. They sell and ship to distributors that buy by the truck load.

    2, The distributors are not going to sell that quantity to an individual until they have a surplus that their dealer network is not buying up

    3, #2 is not going to happen in the near foreseeable future

    4, The savings won't warrant the hoops you will have to jump thru to make the deal as an individual nor the shipping hassle and that pesky watch list you'll be placed on as well as the numerous ordinances and fire codes you'll be in violation of at your residence until its all picked up and divided.

    Just buy your 1000 or 2000 rounds when its availible to you and be Done with it

    This venture wouldn't be about just getting my 1-2000 rounds. I am attempting to address several implications, including future shortages, hedging against inflation, etc.

  6. You won't be able to get it.

    im not necessarily talking right now. im thinking when all this shit blows over, and its a little more available. i understand this could be 6 mos- 1yr in the future.

    i consider ammo to be an excellent hedge against inflation.

  7. Is anyone interested in going in on alot of bulk .223/5.56, meaning like 10-20K rounds? That is, if we are able to find it. From what I understand, this its the amount that is considered bulk. Not sure if w would need an LLC or Tax ID before a manufacturer would listen to our request.

  8. yeah i went to gander today, definitely some good deals there, 40-50% off on mostly everything.

    ammo and guns were a different story. plenty of .223 but cheapest per rd was like 50 cents. also no .223 at walmart, asked if they took backorders, they declined. i did buy a 100 pack of federal 12ga though for $23. had 2 more of those value packs left.

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