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Everything posted by J.W.

  1. J.W.


    Speedy recovery man. Don't sweat when you will or will not be back on two wheels. It will work out exactly as it should.
  2. ^^^ That's pretty ingenious. And, at the very least your bike is locked up. I have been pondering getting a shed for the shovels and rakes and implements of destruction along with the riding mower. Problem is, I would just find more stuff to put in the garage. Although, I could maybe squeeze a kegerator in the garage if I find a place for the riding mower
  3. Thanks for the link. I have been lurking there for a few weeks. Some amazing setups for sure. Speaking of...there is too much job/drama/attention trolling lately Not enough garage Pr0n. Pics or GTFO
  4. I can see now that I'm going to need a second building.
  5. The shelf in our garage was more than half done when we moved in. I added some more supports and now it just needs some fresh paint. Its tough to tell in the pics but it is about 4ft deep so the bikes fit under it pretty well. I have tires and other assorted junk like holiday decorations up top. Hopefully, I'll get a chance to get that better organized this summer too but we'll see how it goes.
  6. Thanks for the info. Just bookmarked the site.
  7. Strong work sir! I have questions about the floor. What brand? How was the install? How is cleanup for oil etc? Are you happy with it?
  8. Here is your chance to show off your garage. I need some ideas for a remodel so let's see some garages. I started a thread about this on one of the national boards and got some good responses. Thought this might be another good place to get a few ideas. After our basement flooded last year, the garage became the default storage area and dumping ground while we did the remodel. I am not exaggerating when I say it looked like an episode of "Hoarders" for about six months. A few weeks ago, I finally got some time to get the garage back in order and took a couple of pictures. I'm thinking of doing a bit of a "remodel" to the garage this summer so please post any ideas you have come across or cheap/easy improvements you know about. Here is how it is now. The bikes are much happier now that they are not surrounded by clutter
  9. Has anyone checked the IP addresses of Exarch and Lilbit? I'm beginning to think that they are the same person. They don't seem to appear online at the same time and when they do post, each one offers either wrong information, or bad advice. Something to consider.
  10. Just what it says on the lid. http://youtu.be/tOvq9Hvz3P8 Normally when I see something like this, I shake my head for minute and wonder why Darwin missed one. But I have to admit, if I ever buy a Ural Gear-Up, I might be tempted... just to see if I could make it work
  11. Oh dear lord, PLEASE don't forget to remind everyone how illegal raffles are unless you are a 501©(3). As for Exarch... Don't ban him. If he can't be a good example, at least he can serve as a horrible warning (second time today I have been able to use that one).
  12. There are but there is a major trade-off. If you want less wind noise, you have to do with less venting. Vents catch the wind and interrupt the flow around the helmet. More vents = more noise (and more ways for that noise to get to your ears faster). Earplugs are the best bet if you like air flow in your helmet.
  13. J.W.

    Doomsday Preppers

    I'm going to need GPS coordinates or at least a zip code so I can add you to my map
  14. J.W.

    Doomsday Preppers

    Well played sir. Well played.
  15. I have started watching "Doomsday Preppers" on National Geographic. I'm not interested in new ideas on how to hoard food or weapons. Instead, I'm creating my own map of where all the poorly defended food will be stored by these goofy people. Oh, and anyone who buries money in their back yard then announces it on national TV is asking for uninvited company.
  16. Speaking of things that will not show up on the evening news: I'll just leave this here. http://www.miamiherald.com/2012/04/25/2767769/nbc6-fires-local-reporter-in-editing.html
  17. I think someone already suggested that.
  18. I find it fairly predictable that you keep dodging my original point about your rudeness.
  19. It must be lonely up there on your pedestal. I think we are pretty much done here.
  20. I said, "You do not need to hold non-profit status to hold a raffle" which is correct. Again, I have no clue about the legality or lack thereof of Brandon's fundraising. Regardless of how you want to continue this conversation, the point is this: you were being rude to some women who were helping out someone at a race and I called you out on it. Now you are trying to defend yourself which is only making yourself look worse. Just like the previous drama-laced thread where another lady was called a rude name and the attackers ended up looking worse. Dig as deep as you want.
  21. No panties bunched here at all. I have no idea of the legality of lack thereof of Brandon's fundraising. Your point is duly noted. No photos of women who are not perfect or Photoshopped should be posted on the internet. I'll try to pass the word.
  22. So we can move on now? Thank you for the quick google of the ORC. I'm well aware of the laws and what is required to obtain a license. As I said before, I have no idea what the raffle you were taking about was in reference to, just like you had no idea who the women in those photographs were nor what they were doing at the race. Hopefully you now see the point I was trying to make. It is very easy for someone to attack a vague statement when you know absolutely nothing about the background. Cheers.
  23. Ahhh yes, because women should look "perfect" before they show themselves on the interwebz. You must be very popular in women's rights circles. That was actually my advice to you. You do not need to hold non-profit status to hold a raffle. You only have to have non-profit status to avoid paying taxes on what you receive from the raffle. [full disclosure, I have absolutely no idea what raffle you are talking about but I do have a great deal of experience with organizing fundraising events, both for profit and non-profit groups] Lilbit, I have no interest in defending Brandon against your obvious anger. My problem is that you decided to get catty about his significant other and an apparent friend of his trying to help him, both of which have absolutely no relvance to your argument other than the fact that you just wanted to be rude. Admittedly, I have not met either of those women and maybe they have wronged you in some way. If they have not, however, you need to drop it because you are just making yourself look bad. Just in the same way that it was in bad taste to call Ben's wife a rude name, you have now done the same thing. Is everyone even now? Can you move on?
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